and you'll show up for work with a smile

Aug 24, 2016 10:23

This morning, the bus pulled away as I was coming up on the bus stop, but then there was another bus behind it that was also going to roll through without stopping, so I had to wave my arms frantically to get it to stop, but it did. Whew. That usually doesn't happen! I thanked the driver profusely.

So I missed the bus but also caught the bus. I guess it's a net positive? especially since it was a much less crowded bus.


Last night, I did watch the new pilot for The Tick from Amazon. I didn't love it? I didn't laugh nearly as much as I'd have liked to, considering that 1. it's The Tick and 2. it's supposed to be a sitcom. Peter Serafinawicz is fine - he's no Townsend Coleman or Patrick Warburton, but he's channeling some Adam West in his portrayal, so that's all right. I can definitely imagine him saying, "Egads, you can't blow up the earth! that's where I keep all my stuff!"

Arthur, otoh...This is a tragic backstory and origin story for Arthur and I just...don't feel a need for that? Especially portraying him as having a variety of mental illnesses and taking/not taking his meds being a thing. I hate that media representations of mental illness tend to fall on the 'no meds' side, because no! That's not how it works! But also, I feel like instead of satirizing the idea of angsty backstories turning people into heroes, it's succumbing to it. I don't need a dark and gritty version of The Tick, you know? Hopefully if it goes to series, they'll find a way to fix that.

I also watched the Mets last night and oy. Can they stop it with the injuries already? Otoh,
laporcupina linked me to this delightful article about the Mets' broadcast team (it's the WSJ, so it's behind a paywall, unfortunately). they are so delightful that there was actually RPF about them vs. the zombie apocalypse written one Yuletide (it was like the one exception to my no-reading-RPF rule I've made), and I'm glad to see other people realizing it. The little slideshow of their various tangential conversations is gold. I remember most of them, too, though I missed the javelin one and the Mirkwood one. Let's just say that they are the very definition of "we make our own fun," especially during bad or boring games.


Wednesday reading:

What I've just finished
Sabriel by Garth Nix, and you all were right. Once Touchstone shows up, things start moving much more quickly! So the pacing is weird - and what was up with how the romance was handled? I was settling in for a nice long pining session but no! they were abruptly declaring their love! - but I enjoyed it enough to immediately get the next book from the library (the trials of which I talked about the other day, re: the NYPL's "SimplyE" app).

Star Wars #22 was a lot of fun. Luke being the daring pilot of the Rebellion! Luke mediating between Han and Leia! Sana wondering if everyone she knows is insane! The Rebellion hijacking a star destroyer! I enjoyed that a lot.

What I'm reading now
Lirael by Garth Nix, which I'm enjoying (I am especially pleased at the addition of the Disreputable Dog), but yeesh, both Lirael and Sameth need to leave off with the self-pity already. Possibly because I am totally guilty of those same flaws I find them really difficult to read about at length, so while I understand intimately why they are the way they are, please stop!

Unfortunately, because of the way the reading app works, I cannot tell how far into the book I am, except roughly. I've just gotten to part three, so who knows how much more there is to go? There are no page numbers on the table of contents either. *hands*

What I'm reading next
Well, I still have both The Obelisk Gate and Poisoned Blade awaiting me on my iPad, but depending on how Lirael goes, I might put them off again to read the next Abhorsen book. Who can say?


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, we make our own fun, books, the futility of being a mets fan, tv: the tick, comics: star wars, my life so hard

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