you inherit the sins, you inherit the flames

Aug 06, 2016 10:08

snacky tagged me with this meme over on tumblr, to rec five of my favorite stories I've written, and I decided to have a theme, which is favorite crossovers I've written! So here they are in roughly reverse chronological order:

we travel without seatbelts on (@ AO3)
Veronica Mars/Captain America; Veronica, Bucky, ensemble; AU; pg; 9,115 words
In which Bucky Barnes discovers that Steve Rogers is not the only tiny blonde firebrand who felt betrayed by SHIELD.

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen
DCU/MCU; Jason, Natasha, Steve, various members of the Batfamily; AU; pg; 12,330 words
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Department X was dissolved and their inventory was liquidated. The League of Assassins acquired certain assets.

The Lucky Ones
Justice League/Captain America; Diana/Steve; pg; 1767 words
He's tall and broad and wears a star upon his chest, the same as the one on his shield, the same as the ones on her uniform.

I'm not a sucker so I don't need a bodyguard
Batman: The Animated Series/Angel: the Series; Bruce Wayne, Cordelia Chase; g; 2940 words
Cordelia's been in the game long enough that she can spot a secret identity from a mile away.

What Kind of Day Has It Been?
The Muppet Show/Supernatural; Sam, Dean, Kermit the Frog, Robin the Frog, Miss Piggy, Gonzo the Great, Fozzie Bear; g; 3305 words
Dean thinks this is the strangest job they've ever worked.

Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman (The Slip Your Skin Remix)
Sports Night/Supernatural; Jeremy, Dean, Sam, ensemble; pg; 4394 words
"You think that Sally's a mandroid." "I don't think it, I know it."

A Million Light Years from Home
Harry Potter/Firefly; Sirius Black, Malcolm Reynolds, River Tam; g; 5910 words
"You're a long, long way from home, but you're a good dog."


In other news, I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child last night, and I don't know that I'll remember any particulars by Wednesday for the reading meme, so I'm just going to talk about it now.

Without spoilers, I can say I enjoyed it for what it is, which is sanctioned fanfiction about white boys with daddy issues, though I do wish Ron had been less of a buffoon. I guess all the adults were played rather broadly (except, interestingly, Draco, who's finally grown up into a decent human being; I didn't want to care about him, but HBP made me, so...), so I probably can't complain too much that Ron is basically the comic relief. He does get a couple of great moments, though.

Given that I've never sought out fic about the next-gen characters, I can't compare it to what fandom offers, but I will say I think it does at least one thing better than fandom (and Rowling always did it better too), which is have fun with the worldbuilding. The sheer fun of the way magic is used in this, as in all the books, far outpaces what I've seen in fandom for the most part, though I haven't regularly read HP fic in ages.

Otoh, there's a metric fuckton of unexamined heteronormativity here that just made me sigh heavily. I mean, if they didn't want me to ship Albus and Scorpius, they did a terrible job. I am just saying.

Anyway! VOLDEMORT AND BELLATRIX'S SECRET DAUGHTER!!! I just. Given Delphi's age in relation to the boys, this means Voldemort was shooting live ammo after he was resurrected by Wormtail in GoF? That's kind of terrifying in its own way.

Speaking of Ron, I found it hard to believe he'd give anyone a love potion, given his experiences. I guess we're just not supposed to think any of that in HBP was that traumatizing? Ugh.

So Draco's finally joined the gang! Aw bless. I feel like that was a long time coming and very well earned. Also, it seems like he's the most functional parent of the group, which is kind of hilarious and yet apt. Though I guess we didn't see much of Rose (and was Hugo even mentioned?) to see. I did love that the Potters were off white sugar while Hermione was finally rebelling against her dentist parents by eating candy.

Hermione and Ron as freedom fighters in the darkest timeline! HARDCORE. Otoh, I rolled my eyes at mean old spinster Professor Granger. I mean, really? I'm not saying that Hermione couldn't go that route, but it's such a cliche. I do like that Ginny's the sports editor of the Daily Prophet. Someone should write the story where she meets Lois Lane at some journalism conference.

I thought Albus and Scorpius's friendship was really nicely done, but I kept expecting them to kiss at the end. I didn't mind Scorpius's crush on Rose (given what little we saw of her, I feel like that is a natural state for most people?) but his real emotional connection was with Albus (and v.v.).

I guess the biggest problem for me is that I didn't understand enough about why Harry didn't understand Albus. I mean, we don't really see enough of him with James or Lily to get a feel for how he is as a father overall. It doesn't bother me that he's not particularly good at it - if you take Dumbledore as your parental role model, you're not going to be! - but I would have liked a little more depth to that, rather than "Albus feels he can't live up to the Potter legacy and Harry is as oblivious as always." I dunno. Maybe seeing it acted out would help with that.

So it was a fun read but you have to go in with tempered expectations.


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hp, writing: my stories, books, books: harry potter, memes: writing

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