you never backed down, you never learned to take your time

Jul 27, 2016 10:50

Things! Also, stuff!

- So I had one of those floating in the pool thoughts that was so perfect that I came back to tumblr and I said, "Someone should write me the story of the time Rogelio de la Vega started a twitter campaign to get cast as Washington in the Miami production of Hamilton." And
nestra DID and it's PERFECT. ♥♥♥ #rogelio my brogelio

- tavella linked me to this fascinating article about the long-standing community of Muslims in Wyoming, and a dude named Hot Tamale Louie.

- the article above also included a mention of Chief Joe Medicine Crow, which in combination with this book popping up on my daily goodreads update email (he's not involved in this story, I don't believe, but he did steal horses from Nazis in WWII, hence the connection in my brain), reminded me that I would like to read a biography of him, but I only found a kids' book? Idek. If you have any recommendations for books about him, that'd be neat. In the meantime, I'll just get that one, and hope that someday they make a miniseries about him.

- Which I guess is a nice lead in to Wednesday books, since it is Wednesday, and I have indeed read a book:

What I've just finished
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley, which I liked but didn't love, mostly because what the hell, Grace? I didn't understand why she did anything she did at the end. She wasn't in love with Thaniel so why get so upset over him having an outside (okay, probably to her mind deviant) interest as long as he was willing to play happy families with her so she could have her lab? I thought that was the whole point of compromising herself to get to marry him, since she couldn't bring herself to admit that she was in love with Matsumoto. I mean, I guess she thought she was protecting him (or herself?) from Mori's powers? But I was just like, "Wtf, Grace?" and it's unfortunate since she's the only female character in the novel who gets a POV.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, which I enjoyed, though as I said in my goodreads review, it's more of a picaresque meander than a space opera. It's got a lot of Firefly in it, though, without all the racist worldbuilding, though this crew is legit and also has aliens (I enjoyed the aliens a lot), and despite all its issues, I do love Firefly. Kizzy certainly has a lot of Kaylee in her in DNA. It also has some tendency towards info-dumping, but I didn't mind that much.

What I'm reading now
I technically haven't started it yet, but Four Roads Cross, the fifth book in Max Gladstone's Craft Sequence came out yesterday, so I'll be reading that shortly.

What I'm reading next
Again, I loaded my iPad up with stuff, so it could be anything!

- In TV news, of the past few Steven Universe episodes, I liked "Restaurant Wars" best (it even made Ronaldo bearable! How did that even happen?), though I get what "Beach City Drift" was trying to do. I just hate Kevin so much that the whole episode was like nails on a chalkboard. Like, I dislike him in a much more visceral way than Marty, who is also pretty despicable. *hands* "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" was cute but slight.

- Lastly, I posted a story yesterday:

The Wild Chance of Living (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Ahsoka/Aphra, Vader, Rex; adult; 4,045 words
"Not like you to use a honey trap, though."

"That was not my intention."

I'm not sure that summary really captures what it's about? But it amused me and everything else felt too on the nose. Anyway! This is the story that was just supposed to be some one-night frenemies femslash between Aphra and Ahsoka, but of course, Vader had to push his way in because I'm never over the Anakin(Vader)/Ahsoka relationship, despite everything. (When I texted
angelgazing that Vader was taking over my femslash, she was like, "Proof that he truly is evil!") So originally this was just that scene where he bursts in and the sex scene and in reverse chronological order because I thought I was being clever, but then I was like, this is either just a sex scene with a punchline (Vader walking in and being his weirdo self about the whole thing) or it was a story, and I realized it was a story about Ahsoka and her ability to adapt and survive, because she's the best, and how that plays out with some of the mentor figures in her life (Bail, Vader, Rex), with some fun ladyslash thrown in. (I still haven't figured out 1. how to write Obi-Wan, so he's always kind of a mcguffin in my stories, and 2. how to get him and Ahsoka in the same place for a shouty/huggy reunion, so he's like the mentor not appearing in this story.)

Anyway, I realize it's a niche product (you don't really need to know who Aphra is, though I enjoy her a lot in the Darth Vader comic), but the story insisted on jumping to the head of the line to be written, so there it is. I'm pleased with it, anyway.

And now, time to strap on the old bathing suit and hit the pool. Ah, vacation.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, flove, writing: my stories, crossovers that should exist, books, tv: steven universe, you should totally write that

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