So this morning I waffled about what to wear and ended up with one of my favorite dresses - it's a gray and white cotton tank dress, which is actually two dresses in one - there's the white tank dress that hits just above the ankle and then over that there's a gray tank dress that's about four inches shorter. I got it from Macy's last year (shh, don't tell my mother; she had a hate-on for Macy's until the day she died. God love her, that woman could hold a grudge.) and I love it a lot - it's both pretty and comfy.
So of course while I was waiting for my latte this morning in Starbucks, the dude next to me spilled his coffee all over and splashed me. It was iced, so I didn't get burned, but now I have one small coffee stain on the white hem of my dress. I am annoyed. If I'd just worn the knee-length blue dress, I'd have just had coffee on my skin, where it wouldn't stain!
Sigh. My life is the hardest yo.
Anyway, last night, Bill Simmons' new show (Any Given Wednesday) premiered on HBO so I watched it, because I have kind of a love-hate relationship with Bill Simmons. He's exactly my age, so his references and influences are the same as mine, except he's from Boston so he has terrible taste in teams.
Anyway, I kind of loved Grantland a lot (often despite itself or myself) and was sad when ESPN gutted it, so I figured since I have HBO (who knew? I guess I knew because it was part of the deal to lower my cable bill, but I rarely remember that), I might as well give it a shot. It made me laugh, anyway. Charles Barkley is almost always entertaining, even if I don't care about basketball all that much, and it was funny to see Ben Affleck go off, even if I kind of loathe Tom Brady and the way they all worship at his feet. Say what you want about Eli, Ben! He still beat Brady twice in the Super Bowl, including ruining that perfect season! 18-1! Ha! I will treasure that always. (Especially now that the Giants are terrible again.)
So I will probably watch again if I remember it's on, and hopefully they will discuss things (baseball! hockey! Gosh, now that he's not with ESPN anymore there could actually be interest in hockey!) that are more relevant to my interests. And I hope that the Boston connection means CEvans will one day put in an appearance; for him, I'll put up with another hour of Brady-worship. (I still won't like it, though.) (What Simmons should do is have the Chrisses Pratt and Evans on together, but what do I know? I'm not his talent coordinator.)
In other exciting fannish news, did you see the stuff about Star Wars: Rogue One in EW? I AM EXCITE!
I thought it was fairly common knowledge that Vader would at least cameo in this film - I mean, it's set just prior to ANH, with the plot being how the Rebels got the Death Star plans that Princess Leia gave to Artoo at the beginning of ANH, and Vader's pretty het up about the whole thing at the start of the movie, so it makes sense that he'd appear. Apparently he's around to make life difficult for that Ian McKellen looking dude in the white cape, and since making life difficult for everyone is what he does best (also, ruining everything and making terrible decisions), I'm sure it will be fine.
As I said on tumblr, though, I just hope they have James Earl Jones recording a lot of stuff for them, because he's not a young man anymore and the thought of anyone voicing Vader after he finally leaves us is unacceptable.
But that's not the exciting part. No, the revelation that
Forest Whitaker is playing Saw Gerrera is the part I'm most excited about! SAW GERRERA!
I mean, I still wish Steela had survived so she and Ahsoka could be freedom-fighting girlfriends together (let's just say that Ahsoka's canon potential love interest was a big blah and not in the fun Mai-from-AtLA way, either; she could have done way better, is all I'm saying. The fact that Steela also liked him was baffling to me. That was definitely a 'love triangle' that would have been better solved by the girls getting together and ditching the boring dude, rather than with a heroic, sacrificial death on Steela's part. He could have died instead. It would have made him useful for once.) but this is exciting to me. I really enjoyed the Onderon arc of TCW. Now if they could just bring back Temuera Morrison to be Rex!
Sigh. Back to work now. A metric fuckton of acknowledgement letters awaits!
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