he hasn't been able to hit here yet

Jun 19, 2016 14:52

Orphan Black: 4.09 & 4.10
KRYSTAL! SHE IS THE BEST! Doggedly wrong and yet somehow right. "That's what you think I look like?" "She's got a point about your hair." <333

And I knew as soon as she showed up that it was Sarah-as-Krystal in the gaggle of reporters, but it was still so satisfying to have them get the drop on Van Lier, at least a little.

I was SO PLEASED that Rachel didn't sell the clones out to Evie Cho - I mean, I can believe Evie Cho didn't take Rachel seriously after offering her such a deadly insult, but I couldn't believe Rachel would let it slide that easily so even though I thought she might be betraying Clone Club, no, she was recording Evie and letting her own words hang her.

Ira possibly got the best line of the entire series. "He has his socks on." *dies* Though Ferdinand's "Have you been serviced?" came close. (I did like his gleeful "There she is!" when Rachel slapped him.)

No, the betrayal didn't come until the finale. HOLY CRAP RACHEL! She and Susan have been fascinating this season, so I'm glad Susan's not dead (yet) but HOLY CRAP. And Susan told her, she's screwing herself as well as the rest of the clones, but apparently Rachel doesn't believe it, and I fear she is in for a rude awakening. I wonder if she'll ending up coming around to the sestras' side at the end, just in time to die to save them all.

Hopefully we won't have to worry about Cosima's health at least. I personally am tired of Delphine and her ill-defined motives and murky loyalties, and I was so glad Cosima's plots this season revolved around science and not romance, but I guess I was pleased that she immediately went to huddling for warmth when Cosima was hypothermic. IJS. I'm not made of stone, people! It's one of my favorite tropes.

Helena with the long bow in the living room! Helena and Adele! "Did you just step to me, triplet?" Oh Adele, do not provoke the sestra! She turned out to be great, though, too. "Different accents? Different countries in there?" as she gestured at her belly. Ha! (I mean, obviously they were raised separately! I don't get how Felix and Alison at various points were SO BAD at lying to Adele, but I enjoyed the results.)

Helena and the Hendrixes! Out in the woods! And Alison finally coming around on Helena, even if her venison stew gave her the runs. Oh Alison.

So I found that a very satisfying finale even though so much is still unresolved. I guess the question is, Who is PT Westmoreland? Will it be an AI or cyborg? a 19th century eugenicist who uploaded his consciousness into a computer? Or has he been cloning himself into a new body since the 19th century? Who will they cast? Or will it just be another tour de force performance for Tatiana Maslany? And is PT a nod to PT Barnum and is he a con man instead of a genius? (Or a genius con man, I guess?)

I enjoyed this season a lot, and I'm very interested to see what they're going to do in season 5 to wrap the whole thing up.


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