she takes a swing but she can't hit

Jun 07, 2016 14:34

I'm PMSing so I'm even more prone to rage blackouts than usual but I'm trying to be calm. I'm really working on taking a deep breath and just saying "fuck it, you know what? it's all going to be fine." It'd be easier with a big glass of sangria in hand, but unfortunately, they frown on drinking in the workplace. Sigh.

At least I'm not taking it out on any innocent bystanders? I was perfectly content to wait an extra long time for my iced tea at Starbucks at lunchtime without complaint. If only the same could be said of useless co-workers who aren't doing their jobs, thus making my job harder. Them I'd like to set on fire. Someday I'll be able to do that with my brain, and a state of true bliss will be achieved.

I woke up at 4 am panicking about work stuff and was just like, self, you are going to get it done. It's going to be fine. it's all going to be fine. It always is, and I know this intellectually. Viscerally is something else again. Stupid lizard brain and its stupid need to control everything.

*shakes tiny ineffectual fist at brain chemistry*

Why anxiety, brain? Why not the ability to set people on fire from a distance instead?

Truly these are the existential questions of our time.


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don't make me shoot you, my life so hard

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