and you loved things just because

Jun 02, 2016 10:50

I did in fact stop in at Home Depot last night to pick up a new light bulb for my bathroom (everyone I mentioned this to was surprised but it's not like they carry 3 ft. long fluorescent bulbs in Duane Reade. Or maybe they do and I just can't find them), and then when I climbed up onto the toilet to install it, I discovered that the reason the old ( Read more... )

meta, on feedback, work, my life so hard, fannishness

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viridian5 June 4 2016, 11:16:58 UTC
I've definitely noticed a shift from leaving feedback to leaving kudos. I figured that some of the problem is from me writing in fandoms that have become much smaller from being old fandoms, but you write in some big, currently popular properties so I guess it really is a Thing for everyone these days. I'm finding it harder to make friends in the new version of fandom, whereas I met and befriended a lot of people in the '90s and '00s. Of course, most of them left fandom or moved onto other properties since then, so I don't hear from them anymore....

I also never know what readers will love! Some things I snapped off in a few hours made a big splash, while other things I poured time, effort, and love into didn't hit as well.

I never threaten people into leaving feedback because it can come off as desperate and annoying. That said, a very long running WIP of mine I've been posting pieces of for years is languishing now that people no longer talk to me about it. The inspiration isn't sparking as hard and effortlessly as it used to.

But I know I often don't leave much feedback these days either, so I'm something of a hypocrite!


musesfool June 12 2016, 22:12:26 UTC
No, it's definitely all over the place. I also think that reccing is down, or it's happening on tumblr where it's hard to find so stories don't get that traffic anymore either, the way they used to.

Some things I snapped off in a few hours made a big splash, while other things I poured time, effort, and love into didn't hit as well.

Yeah, I've found that's frequently the case. Which is why I personally have stopped worrying about it, at least during the writing process. There's plenty of time to be anxious about a story's reception after it's posted!


viridian5 June 13 2016, 04:18:22 UTC
Lately all I've been doing is writing stories when I have no idea how they'll be received!


musesfool June 13 2016, 14:11:02 UTC
Me too!


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