and not understand going in when it's a high intensity situation

May 28, 2016 21:09

I realize that fluid dynamics is a thing, but anyone who has ever baked will agree that somehow cake batter seems to defy the laws of physics in the places it ends up when you are beating it.

All of which is to say I have cupcakes in the oven for tomorrow's bbq, though not cheesecake ones, since my sister was skeptical about their ability to travel well in the heat. And I thought about it, and also how much work they are, and made one-bowl vanilla cupcakes instead. I hope they're good. They're from "One Bowl Baking" by Yvonne Ruperti. I'm planning to frost them with some chocolate ganache.

I was in the kitchen when it happened, but holy crap, Syndergaard getting tossed without a warning is some bullshit. That pitch was behind Utley! I do like that Syndergaard seems to have some of the '86 team's toughness though.

Ugh, fucking Utley with the homer. I hate this guy.

Earlier I watched Steven Universe: Barn Mates
Oh, Peridot. I love that she's trying hard in her own selfish way to make amends to Lapis, and that in the end, it's the fact that Homeworld really is after her that makes Lapis thaw a little. I do miss the original Gems and the townies, though. I haven't watched the other episodes that aired in France already, so please don't spoil me.

Orphan Black: The Antisocialism of Sex
Wow, S, what a harsh thing to say to Sarah, especially considering you were prepping an acid bath for Kendall last season. I mean, wow. I'm glad Felix was the one who managed to find Sarah (why didn't Dizzy pass on his message? Wtf is Dizzy even around for?) and that their connection is still there despite the fact that they're angry with each other right now.

And then Felix giving Cosima the news that Delphine is still alive! I mean, I kind of hate that Cosima called Delphine her 'soulmate' last season, especially with how much Delphine seemed to dick her around and get all weird about Shay, but at least it's one less dead lesbian?

Donnie! Rocking the slumber party ghost stories and then getting arrested! I can't imagine he's going to do well in prison, but he does have hidden depths, so who knows. I guess Adele being a lawyer will come in handy here. I did like Alison's reaction. Like, she hasn't even met Kendall, has she? But Kendall was the key to curing them all, making sure she didn't end up sick like Cosima, so I can see it hitting her hard. But of course she represses and moves onto the next activity.

Where is Helena? She needs to come back and cleans the Neos with fire.

So is the swan somehting implanted in Rachel's eye or has someone (MK?) hacked it? Also, Ira called Susan mother, cementing the fact that their relationship is super squicky because of the parent-child relationship not because of the age difference.

I missed Krystal, though.

I also rewatched the Umbara arc of The Clone Wars, which I hadn't done before because I find it a super depressing story, given the givens, and oh, Rex. And Jesse and Tup and Hardcase (he sure makes an impression for how little time he's actually around) and FIVES. Also, I didn't realize Appo was in this the first time around, or that the other clone squad commander in "Carnage of Krell" was Waxer. It's just... a lot of clone feels, you know. I still think making Krell want to become Dooku's new apprentice rather than just having him be bigoted against clones was an easy out at the end, but I guess it's easier to do in a kids show? like, you knew as soon as he showed up he was going to get fragged, but making him an actual Sith wannabe gives them a more clear cut reason to do it in the end, though they were going to do it anyway (should have done it earlier, really).

Gosh, every time I think about the possibility of Rex in Rogue One and how that is not happening, I get sad all over again. Sigh.


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