she'll take what you give her as long as it's free

May 26, 2016 16:32

So I normally sleep on my left side, but I also have what is likely bursitis in my left hip and so sometimes it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on that side and I have to roll over and sleep on my right, which I don't like, but whatever. Sleeping shouldn't be so hard. Anyway. Last night I guess I did something in the rolling over or the sleeping or the I don't even know part because my left hip and lower back area hurts and my right shoulder down through to my right elbow hurts. Just. I'm ready for my robot body now. I am just saying.

I did have a good dream where Thor lost his memory and showed up at some either Memorial Day or 4th of July event at the harbor (tall ships? fleet week?) because he knew we were at war and wanted to see the longships row off to battle. And I had to call in Steve Rogers to see if he could jar his memory (apparently in my dream, since Bucky, Steve has been the go-to person for that?) and Natasha was like, "Is he going to punch the memories back into him?" and I was like, "or they could oil up and wrestle..." and she was like, "We can only hope." :D :D :D

Also, smarter people than I said smart things yesterday about Marvel's dumpster fire of a Cap issue, so you can find the stuff I reblogged here.

I know there were other things I meant to say but work has been nonstop and people are just on my nerves and ugh, I am looking forward to the long weekend.


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