And we all know each others secrets

May 20, 2016 12:00

Five things make a post?

= This morning at 7 am, workmen started banging and drilling in the vestibule/at the front door of the apartment building. In case you are unaware, I live in the first floor front apartment, so a lot of that was on my bedroom wall. I was already awake because I had a meeting first thing this morning and had to be in before 9, but if it had been any other day, I'd be really pissed. I mean, I'm still annoyed, because who starts construction work before 8 am? But at least it didn't wake me.

= I didn't love the shellacking the Mets took last night, but I did enjoy seeing the Sharks shut the Blues out again. I mean, I went to bed early in the 3rd, right after the Sharks took the dreaded three-goal lead, but it turned out all right for them. *g*

= Steven Universe: Same Old World
Lapis and Steven take a brief road trip (is it a road trip if you're flying?) to see Empire City (NYC) and Jersey (apparently even AU Jersey is mock-worthy) and also nature, which was great because when Steven suggests maybe Lapis will want to get close to nature, Lapis asks the $64000 question, "Why would I want to do that?" My feelings exactly.

I also love that we got some Lapis backstory, and man, that Gem just can't catch a break. I wouldn't have minded her deciding to continue roadtripping it up to find her place, but I also kind of like the idea that she and Peridot are going to Odd Couple it up in the barn for a bit, though given that Peridot was keeping Lapis a prisoner the last time Lapis saw her, it might be less wacky hijinks and more PTSD, but I guess we'll see. This show does a great job handling this stuff, mostly because it's all filtered through Steven's POV, and Steven is the sweetest kid alive.

Plus, we got to see a little more of the Gem civil war! I want to know everything!

I miss the townies, especially Connie, and also the original Crystal Gems feel surprisingly sparse lately. But I'm still enjoying it a lot.

= New Gilmore Girls promo poster! I am excite! Please don't suck!

= I'm so glad tomorrow's Saturday, and also that I'm not going to my cousin's wedding, so I can just stay home and veg out again. It's terrible, but I need it so bad right now.


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tv: gilmore girls, tv: steven universe, the futility of being a mets fan, my life so hard

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