If I could throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind

May 16, 2016 13:23

Last night when I washed my hair, the water ran red with dye for such a long time I was a little concerned that it was washing out altogether, but whew, the gray is still covered, so I guess that's fine. Now if only the dye smell would fade away. Sigh.


Caught up on some teevee yesterday:

Orphan Black: 4.04 and 4.05
I think Krystal my be my new favorite clone. Holy crap she was amazing! I need her to be clued in so she can participate in clone club shenanigans. And everybody laughed, but teeth for eyes is a thing and I would not be at all surprised to see the Corinthian show up as some sort of Neolutionist wackjob. And I want her to raise a big noise about seeing Ira - maybe Art can be her next contact with the ancillary clone club members.

So Krystal was a big yay but we also got Cosima finally taking a more active role in the story and she was also great, though I felt terrible for those women and that baby. Jebus that was some fucked up shit.

So there are various factions of Neolutionists? Is that what I'm getting here? Brightborn/screwing around with germline(?) DNA vs. cloning vs. cheek worm/overwriting DNA?

I'm also impressed at how they're shading Rachel in - I feel like she said what she said about Charlotte mostly because she knew it was what Susan wanted to hear, not what she was really feeling, but maybe I'm giving her too much credit. I did not need to know that Susan was bumping uglies with Ira, though I guess it shows she's not as dispassionate and in control as she wants everyone to believe. Or she's done a Pygmalion and fallen in love (or something) with her creation, which is creepy as fuck even without the Oedipal overtones. I guess the question is how genuine are they or are they playing each other?

Helena's goodbye to her nonviable science babies was nicely poignant. Hopefully she's off to find Jesse Towing to be a good stepdad to her implanted science babies. I have a feeling they're having a hard time engaging her in the currently storyline - certainly MK would not want anything to do with the clone who killed Katja. Or maybe that will come back to cause trouble later, though with only five episodes left, they have a lot of ground to cover.

The Felix-Sarah infighting makes me sad but it also feels incredibly emotionally real. Sarah is at the end of her rope and has that damn worm in her face and now she finds out that Felix has a 'real' sister, and while I get that Felix wants something of his own/feels Sarah takes him for granted etc. and I want Adele to not be a Neo or Dyad or involved some other way in the conspiracy, I also feel like Felix was in the wrong to bring her to the safehouse.

Kira continues to be creepy but I think the kid actress is fine. I don't envy her if she has some sort of empathic bond with all the clone sisters.

I feel like I maybe had more to say but I can't recall what it was now.

I also watched The Flash: The Runaway Dinosaur
Aw, the Speed Force wants to read Barry bedtime stories. Longtime readers of this space may know that I am a sucker for The Runaway Bunny, which The Runaway Dinosaur was clearly meant to evoke, so I did get teary-eyed at those scenes. I thought they did a nice job with the whole thing, even if it was hokey and on the nose. I guess we're supposed to extrapolate that Barry's terrible decision-making this season has been in response to him second-guessing himself about not saving his mom? (And how the attempt to save her is what caused the breaches etc.?) (This made me feel like maybe Cisco was referring to the wrong person with his Anakin Skywalker analogy a couple weeks ago?)

I also enjoyed Iris being badass and Cisco being Cisco, and the hilarious iZombie shout out since Tony/Girder was Drake (also a zombie) on iZombie!

So as soon as Henry said he was sticking around he signed his death warrant right? Because they're not going to kill Joe off, right? I mean, I would likely stop watching if they killed Joe off.

Again, I feel like I probably had more to say but work keeps interrupting. Arrgh. Why am I not independently wealthy? I would make a great rich person. I am just saying.


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tv: the flash, tv: orphan black

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