but i got debts that no honest man could pay

May 13, 2016 11:25

I've found it an interesting experience, these past few years, reading ebooks almost 100%, because while I read the blurb and see the cover on either Goodreads or Amazon (or the NYPL site etc.), I generally don't remember it at all when I finally cue up the book to read, so things are generally a surprise, which can be good or bad, depending. Like, I knew Bloodline was a Leia-centric book set after RotJ, but since I didn't recall ever seeing the cover, and I didn't look at it when I opened the book on my iPad, I kind of didn't realize how intentionally Vader hangs over everything in it - I thought it was just me wanting more of Leia engaging with what that revelation means for her, since that is one of my major areas of interest in the source material! But no, that is a major plot point of the book! And handled exceedingly well, though I have to admit some surprise that they managed to keep it a secret for so long. But if you look at the cover, it's obvious that the story is somehow going to deal with it.


I'm still behind on all my shows, except for Steven Universe, which returned last night with TWO episodes! Not just the one my DVR recorded. I don't know why "Gem Drill" wasn't listed as "new" and thus, should have been recorded, but I spent a good twenty minutes trying to track down an online way to watch it. But I did, thanks to tumblr! (There's a phrase I never thought I'd use. *snerk*)

Steven Universe: Super Watermelon Island/Gem Drill
Everything about Watermelon Island society was fantastic. What an excellent way to come back from a seemingly endless hiatus. I did question Garnet telling Steven it was too dangerous to go physically to face Malachite, since they stopped benching him for missions a while ago, but I saw someone point out that Malachite was destroying little Steven-shaped watermelons, so it was more that Steven was Malachite's target, not that it was dangerous in general. Especially since they sent him after the Cluster at the end!

I'm glad they showed these episodes together, because I think either one might have felt anticlimactic - the fight with Malachite is pretty straightforward, with nothing new revealed (except for Watermelon Society, I guess, and also Jasper's acceptance of fusion), and the Bubbling of the Cluster could come off as a letdown after the buildup it's gotten as an apocalyptic, earth-destroying weapon, but I think taken together, it shows the characters playing to their strengths: the Gems stand their ground swinging when violence is necessary to take down a villain, but Steven talks the Cluster into not forming/not destroying the earth and actually gets it to help bubble itself/convinces its disparate parts to maybe talk to each other, and maybe made some friends along the way.

(I imagine it will come back at some point later, hopefully in Steven's defense and without destroying the planet. Otoh, with Jasper falling into a crevasse, maybe she will sway the Cluster to her POV, which could be bad for everyone...)

Plus, we got what was basically a Steve+Peridot road trip, which was every bit as glorious as I could have ever imagined. ♥♥♥

And, Lapis has returned! Now Steve has to win her over with kindness and charm.

Basically, the only thing missing was a song/singalong.


I don't know where this week went, but I'm so glad it's Friday. Sigh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/841546.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, darth vader would never put up with this, perfect space princess, books: star wars, tv: steven universe

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