find a way to get in the way

May 04, 2016 21:00

I meant to have a story to post today, since it's Star Wars day, but it's only ~2/3 done and I got home from work about 30 minutes ago (it was only 10 minutes when I started writing this entry) so I doubt that's getting done tonight. Sigh.

Work was wall-to-wall and then some, which I don't necessarily mind occasionally, but sweet jebus, let me finish the first thing you asked for before you ask me for three more things without prioritizing any of them! Especially when the one thing is both time-consuming and requires close attention to not screw it up. Ugh. At least I got a good chunk of it done, and the consultant told me to take a cab home (and my cab driver made some...questionable route choices, but I got home in one piece so I can't complain too much) since I was there until 7:40. She even left before me! I probably won't post about this whole debacle until either a weekend or it's over (so mid-June), but believe me when I tell you it's ridiculous. And it didn't have to be. But whatever. I am just the assistant. I stayed tonight because I will not miss the movie tomorrow night. I'm not going to let their poor planning ruin my excitement.

Now I just want my pizza to get here so I can eat before I start gnawing on the furniture.


The Flash: Rupture
CURSE YOUR DOPENESS, VIBE. Cisco, how so adorable? ♥♥♥

I'm glad Barry finally owned responsibility for this mess because it's his fault; not planning to double-cross Zoom was some serious dumbassery that has gotten a bunch of people killed, and he should feel bad about it while he's floating around in the Speed Force. Also, I guess Wally and Jesse have their speed now. (I thought they were cute together, sue me.)


Books! It is Wednesday, right? The day has felt like it's gone on forever.

What I've just finished
I finished Apollo: The Race To The Moon by Charles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox, which I definitely recommend as an interesting and informative look at how NASA Mission Control came to be and how it worked through the Apollo program. It made me want to read a similar history of the shuttle program.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Omnibus 1 & 2 by John Jackson Miller and a bunch of artists I was mostly not impressed with. These are fun no-longer-canon comics that I guess tie-in with a video game I never played? But the main characters are a faily Jedi padawan named Zayne and the con artist he's trying to capture and ends up teaming up with, aka, Gryph (I know). They have to go on the run after being accused of murders they didn't commit, which gets the plot ball rolling. I really enjoy their friendship, which is the main selling point to me. There are other characters but most of them didn't make a lasting impression on me (except for Zayne's terrible master, whom I hate).

For a series that starts with the murder of four padawans and set during the Mandalorian War(s?), it's surprisingly light and funny, even amid the carnage. It's got a definite space opera feel, though it only occasionally feels really Star Wars-y to me, usually when the Jedi are denying the idea that the Sith could be back, as they are wont to do. And this is set like 30 years after they destroyed the Sith, so you'd think they'd be more open to the idea! (The Jedi Council: always failing in new and different ways!) Because they aren't taking this threat seriously, Zayne's terrible master whom I hate and a bunch of seers got together a secret Jedi prophecy cabal and decided to do a bunch of really shady dumb stuff in order to avoid the future they see where the Sith have returned. Because of course prophecy doesn't ever work the way people think (e.g., "if you hadn't come, I couldn't go."), they end up causing in part the trouble they're trying to prevent.

It's a fast-paced read with a lot of jumping from one frying pan into another fire, but I found the art difficult to follow in a number of fight scenes. Possibly people who are better at comics will have less trouble.

What I'm reading now
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Omnibus 3, which I expect will wrap Zayne's story up. I didn't actually start it though. I didn't have time to read at lunch (which I gulped down at 3 pm) and I took a cab home, so.

I should mention that when I went looking for these, the three digital volumes totaled ~$60 on Comixology ($19.99 apiece) but only $31 bundled on Amazon, which I didn't understand, because Amazon owns Comixology? (I haven't yet linked my accounts but that day is coming.) But anyway, since my library didn't have them and the days of easily torrenting comics seem to be gone (at least, these comics), I jumped on the deal.

What I'm reading next
Both the new Rick Riordan (the Percy Jackson offshoot about Apollo?) and Star Wars: Bloodlines by Claudia Gray (I still haven't read her other SW novel, but I do have it), in which it is apparently canon that Leia is known as the Huttslayer. YES GOOD. MY QUEEN. came out this week so those will probably be next.

I guess that's all the news that fits, since the pizza guy just rang my doorbell.


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tv: the flash, comics: star wars: kotor, don't make me shoot you, work, my life so hard

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