as your dirty red laundry all hangs out

Apr 23, 2016 16:42

Things that have occupied my interest today:

= for the Broadway version of "Waitress," they have working ovens backstage and bake pies so the theater smells like fresh pie when the audience arrives (x; x). I wouldn't mind having that job.

= everything about the Captain America: Civil War press tour. The Evans/Stan/Mackie trio are hilarious and awesome (x; x; x). I just hope the movie is good. I don't need it to be the exact thing I'd like to read or write in fic - that's what fic is for - I just need it to be entertaining and feel in character with CATWS (which AOU did not). All these quotes about what Steve and Bucky mean to each other are killing me with squee, and I hope the movie lives up to them (I don't mean that in a shippy way necessarily, because I know they're not going to make them a canon couple; but just in the sense of keeping a Cap movie focused on Cap's most important relationship(s))

= as a subset of that, the fact that CEvans seems to ship Steve/Natasha gives me life (x). ME TOO BUDDY. ME TOO. (I mean, I would also be on board for MCU Bucky/Natasha, and I know SebStan is, but the Steve/Natasha relationship is already established as close and supportive so it would have been really easy to make romantic and so much better than whatever that was in AOU.)

= Orphan Black: Transgressive Border Crossing
Oh wow, they are killing it with the Beth flashbacks. I teared up when Mika begged her not to leave. And that was her outfit from the pilot! I imagine we're going to learn where she went and what she did before she killed herself, but so far, I'm really impressed with what they're doing.

I haven't read the tie-in comics but I've read speculation that Mika is a survivor of the Helsinki base where there was that fire. That could be interesting, and explain why she knows as much as she does about stuff.

Oh, Felix! I get wanting to find his birth family, especially since it seems like Sarah has found hers and everything is about her. She could have been more understanding and supportive about that, but then she wouldn't be Sarah. She does take him for granted and since her shit is generally life-threatening these days, I get why she prioritizes it, but...*hands* I like that Alison knows about it.

Ugh, cheek worm thingies! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS.

The Rabbit Hole! Scott and Cosima! <333

I also really liked Donnie with both Helena an Alison - talk about a character that was rehabbed brilliantly!

= today's poem:

Wild Poppies
by Marion McCready

And how do you survive? Your long throat,
your red-rag-to-a-bull head?

You rise heavy in the night, stars drinking
from your poppy neck.

Your henna silks serenade me
under the breadth of the Pyrenees.

You move like an opera,
open like sea anemones.

You are earth's first blood.
How the birds love you,

I envy your lipstick dress.
You are urgent as airmail, animal red,

Ash Wednesday crosses tattooed on your head.
Your butterfly breath

releases your scents, your secrets,
bees blackening your mouth

as your dirty red laundry
all hangs out.


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national poetry month 2016, tv: orphan black, poetry, this is captain america calling, chris evans' undeniable attractions

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