you are hers to give away

Apr 07, 2016 11:06

Yesterday, I had four hours of database training ( I don't want to talk about it) and in order to accommodate the timing, I ate lunch an hour earlier than usual, and stayed here almost two hours later than usual, so I was ravenous when I got home. I was also exhausted, so I thought, I'll order in some chicken tenders and all will be well! That was at 7:45 pm.

And then my food didn't arrive until 9:30 pm.


At least they were apologetic enough to send TEN tenders instead of the usual five, so I have dinner for tonight, as well, but still. I was not in a good mood at all.

So I'm not sure what exactly I feel about last night's Arrow.

I'd heard that it leaked that the death was Laurel, that Katie Cassidy was leaving the show - and tbh, I was surprised she stuck around as long as she did, though I guess getting paid makes up for the fact that your supposed co-star turn as iconic superhero Black Canary ended up with you being third or fourth lead, badly served by the writing for long stretches, and hated by a large majority of the fanbase - and that it was "for good" despite the apparent flashbacks and Earth-2 appearances that are rumored to be coming up.

Anyway, I know it's terrible, but I was super worried for Diggle in this episode, afraid that all the signs pointing to Laurel were red herrings and it was really going to be Diggle, and that might have done it for me watching. But it's not and now he's carrying the weight of her death because it was his loyalty to Andy and his desperate wish that Andy actually be trustworthy that led to Laurel's death.

Which is the main reason I can't buy that this is another fakeout? Because how could Oliver and Laurel do that to Diggle, let him continue to feel that way if she's not actually dead? Not to mention Lance, who also looked like he was not long for this world when he got the news.

I thought the final bits of her death scene were terrible - why is she talking to Ollie about their failed romance and how Felicity is the love of his life but he'll always be the love of hers!!! Poor Tommy is rolling in his grave! And shouldn't she be asking him to reach out to Sara or to look after her dad? I mean, come on! That whole bit was egregious. And filmed so weirdly. LIke, she was fine and then she wasn't fine. Did Ollie mercy kill her for some reason? They could have explained a little better - an embolism or an aneurysm or something would not be completely unheard of in that situation, but she went from weak but recovering to dead pretty damn quickly, with no visible explanation.

Otoh, I loved that she and Thea and Felicity got to exchange "I love yous" and have a meaningful final interaction. That was lovely.

I also liked the one thing I noticed in the flashbacks - the woman makes Oliver promise to go find her family in Russia so maybe we'll FINALLY get some hilaribad Bratva flashbacks next season. Bring back Anatoly!

The writing for this episode was much too tryhard. We know Andy's dirty from the stinger last week and nothing he said this week in order to make that a believable misdirect was actually believable. He just looked even more untrustworthy! Though Oliver torturing him in Diggle's home was a bad move. WTF Oliver!?

So yeah, I'm not sure if it was epic crankiness or if this was just not a well put together episode, which is sad when it's killing off Black Canary.

In other news, I haven't yet seen the Rogue One trailer but I'm pretty excited. (At some point, will we get to see Shara Bey and Kes Dameron? That'd be neat.)


Today's poem:

The Plagiarist

She is two parts flesh
and one part secondhand clothing.
She presses her knee on the ground, like an ear.
She is rubbing the belly of a dead robin
and calling forth Lazarus.
She is all pretense, incomplete
as she watches the feet of passersby.
You are the background musician.
She gives you her hand.
She leaves tiny half-moons on your palm
as you pull her up.
Her nails are sharp, bared like barbwire.
I possess what I see every day, she says.
She could be your girl.
She tilts her head to the sun
and thus lengthens her shadow on the sidewalk.
You want to feed her to the people
she covets-to an atmosphere,
like Starbucks. You are hers to give away.
You put your two-dollar Rolex
in her pocket as she orders for you.
Later, when she warms
her fingers around your cup,
all she sees is thirst.
And how her lips have stained
the rim by the mere pressure
of her desire to drink.

~Arlene Ang


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national poetry month 2016, poetry, tv: arrow

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