I posted a story yesterday:
your long shadows and your gunpowder eyes (@
Daredevil; Karen/Frank; adult; 1,900 words
Karen wants the truth more than she wants the fantasy.
This was quite the surprise to me yesterday morning when I woke up with it demanding to be written. originally it was meant to be a drabble pyramid, but the sex scene blew the 500-word limit on the last section so I just said screw it. the word count parameter was helpful earlier on though, because it helped me not get bogged down in a lot of introspection.
Anyway, I don't know if I'll write any more Karen/Frank, but I'm glad to see AO3 finally canonized the tag for it, because as of yesterday when I posted, you still couldn't really sort or filter with it.
I'm having another puzzling writing dilemma, because I thought this thing I want to write was two separate but obviously related stories, but maybe it's just one story with two POV characters instead? I feel like the separate stories would be smarter, but I think it doesn't leave a lot of things to happen in one of them. Which is kind of thematically appropriate, but I don't know. It's a character whose POV I haven't written before and it's AU so. I don't know.
In other story news, I think I might have to write Rey and Force ghost!Anakin's Excellent Roadtrip Adventures, though I'm not sure yet how it's going to work. Other wsip I'd like to work on: the one where Rey learns to swim, the AU where Ahsoka's been frozen in carbonite and wakes in the TFA era; the single dad!Anakin AU, the linked drabble set about each era's trio, except that turned out to be more complicated in the writing than it looked in the thinking...
I feel like this is the exact encapsulation of fannishness: the SWTFA bluray comes out Tuesday, but the digital-only version is available now. Do I spend the extra $19 so I can watch it today or do I just wait for my bluray to come?
Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday, the wine arrived Friday and I picked it up and it's so good. SO GOOD, YOU GUYS. I'm so glad I bought two bottles. I mean, I don't even mind the shipping cost or the $2 markup or anything. Though I think I'm going to check liquor stores a little farther afield to see if any of them have it in stock, because having to awkwardly schlep the box home was...awkward.
Opening day today, but unfortunately the Mets are the game of the week (against the -ugh- Royals) so no Sunday afternoon baseball today for me. (Also, it's going to be way too cold to play a night game tonight. I swear, they should start the season a week later and also cut twelve games off the schedule, imo. Then the season wouldn't run all the way into November, either.)
The only reason you weren't inundated with terrible-pun laden posts about Matt Harvey's unfortunate medical condition last week is because I knew no one else would find them funny. but trust me, I was definitely punning in my head a lot.
The 100: Stealing Fire
On the one hand, I thought Lincoln's death was much better plotted and well-done than Lexa's. And I'm glad Ricky Whittle's gotten out of a job that was apparently unpleasant for him and moved onto a premium cable show.
On the other hand, man, the showrunners just doubled down on being tone deaf, didn't they?
In a pop culture vacuum, Lincoln's death is great - it rises out of his character and also the situation he's been put in by Pike, and it's sure to have serious consequences for many other characters (Bellamy's going to get the beatdown of his life from Octavia. I hope, anyway.). But we're not in a pop culture vacuum and we're specifically on a show that likes to kill off characters of color for shock value (Wells, Anya) that also trades in white savior tropes (Clark, Octavia) and has made its primary antagonist this season an angry black man whose second in command is an Asian woman. And has just killed off a beloved lesbian character despite the showrunners having used her and her relationship with Clark to talk about how progressive and not like other shows they are. So. I find it really hard to talk about how things worked or didn't in this episode (and it makes me worry all the more for Miller, who is both black and gay).
Because I do think things mostly worked - especially the Abby/Kane hookup (though for real I was like, YOU ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PRISON BREAK DO NOT STOP TO KISS), Octavia's everything, the insurgents' skepticism of Monty and Bellamy's heel-face turn, Miller's boyfriend choosing him over Pike, Murphy being Murphy, Titus's hardcore death... But it's all overshadowed by anger at the shitty way things like race have been handled.
Today's poem:
by Lauren Wheeler
For a nickel, you can take a picture of me
standing just so in front of a wooden board
with a heart painted on it.
For a dime, you can take a picture with me,
you squatting behind and peeking through
like I'm one of those cardboard cut-outs
of an "Indian Chief" or a unicorn or some other
supposedly mythical creature.
When you offer a quarter, we move to the tent,
dim-lit and dusty, where I sit on the low
quilt-covered bed and pat the space beside me.
You are nervous. "Will it hurt? I mean, will it hurt you?"
I shake my head. "It never hurts. Not anymore."
And then I take your hand and guide it up towards
the hole in my chest. You tremble for a second
as you reach through me, wiggle your fingers
around behind my back, disbelieving.
"Where is your heart?" you ask.
"How do you live without your heart?"
I don't know how to answer, so I say,
"It's amazing the things you can learn to live without."
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