the way it travels on and keeps emitting light

Apr 01, 2016 10:18

I was some kind of feverish last night - my temp was only elevated slightly, but I had that achy skin feeling and couldn't keep my eyes open, so after the Rangers lost (bah) I went to bed. Of course, I've already been spoiled for The 100 because the internet. Sigh. I suppose I'll watch it tonight.

Being on vacation Monday threw my whole sense of the week off, so here's the Wednesday book meme, on Friday:

What I've just finished
Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo by Ntozake Shange, which is a lovely bit of magical realism set in the South, in California, and NYC during the 50s/60s/70s. It doesn't have much in the way of a plot - it's about the three title characters finding themselves and a place to be themselves in the world (I might have been more interested in their mother, Hilda Effania, tbh) - so it kind of meanders, but I definitely recommend reading it.

I guess I promised a rant about Batman & Robin Eternal once it was finally done, but I find I don't have the same vehemence for it even though the final issue basically doubles down on at least one of the major problems I had with the story.

I don't dislike Harper, but I would have liked her a lot more (and a lot more easily) if the story didn't keep telling me how AWESOME and PERFECT she was, and how she was supposed to be the BEST ROBIN EVER!!! while doing such a disservice to Steph's character (which, to be fair, was also warped some in Batman Eternal, so it's just more of the same, and at least she got to be awesome in the final fight), and by backburnering Cass in a story which should have been hers. I did like her meet up with Bruce at the end. Bruce and Cass give me SO MANY daddy-daughter feels. Sigh.

I also thought they made Dick somewhat hapless at times, which felt wrong. SO WRONG. I don't think it's my bias showing when I say that while 98 out of 100 people would give up, Dick Grayson is one of the two people who NEVER WOULD so his flailing around towards the end like, "We're never going to win, what are we doing?" felt really off.

Plus, they kept trying to make Azrael happen, and just no. NOPE. Never.

Otoh, I enjoyed Jason's bits and I'm still a little surprised at how chummy he and Tim are, and Big Gay Batman Midnighter was a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

While I am absolutely happy to hear that Marcus To, possibly my favorite comics artist, is going to be doing the new Nightwing book after Rebirth - and that Nightwing is once again going to be in BLUE (AS HE SHOULD BE; shame no fingerstripes tho) - I'm not sure if I'll keep reading once this run of Grayson ends. I've really enjoyed sexy super spy Dick, and I don't really want to see him go back to Bludhaven or whatever and fight D-listers. We'll always have Goldfinger, I guess. And the sauna with Midnighter.

I'm also excited about the idea of Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott on Wonder Woman. I have a feeling Rucka's going to walk back a lot of the backstory nonsense Azzarello saddled her with, and that's all to the best, imo. Maybe one day I'll get around to reading Azzarello's run - Cliff Chiang's art is fantastic - but so much of what I heard about it didn't match the Wonder Woman I know and love, so. We'll see.

I don't really have anything else to say about Rebirth - there were definitely things I ended up liking in the New 52 (Grayson, mostly, and Gotham Academy) - but I would love it if they went back to the continuity I liked best and maybe made Tim and Kon boyfriends. *hands* Comics, everybody.

What I'm reading now
I started my reread of The Raven Cycle this morning with The Raven Boys, so that's where I am now. Gansey, Adam, and Ronan are just about to show up at 300 Fox Way. The adventure begins! Excelsior!

What I'm reading next
It's likely that I'll just keep rereading TRC until The Raven King comes out at the end of the month. I really hope Stiefvater doesn't screw the dismount.

In other forthcoming book news, Ahsoka's getting her own novel. (thanks to
grimorie for the link!) Please don't suck!


The March 2016 writing roundup:

Circle into Motion (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Rey, Luke, Ahsoka, Leia; g; 5,245 words
"A Jedi doesn't dwell on the past or fret about the future. A Jedi is present in the moment, in each moment, as it happens. But there's nothing wrong with occasionally reminding ourselves where we come from, and keeping our eyes open to where we're going."

Like stars burning holes through the dark (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Luke, Leia, Ahsoka, Darth Vader; AU; g; 8,875 words
Luke considers this family reunion far more successful than the one in Cloud City. At least this time, no one loses a hand.

Skywalkers, man. I just can't quit them.


And finally, a poem, for the first day of National Poetry Month:

Stolen Moments

What happened, happened once. So now it's best
in memory - an orange he sliced: the skin
unbroken, then the knife, the chilled wedge
lifted to my mouth, his mouth, the thin
membrane between us, the exquisite orange,
tongue, orange, my nakedness, and his,
the way he pushed me up against the fridge -
Now I get to feel his hands again, the kiss
that didn't last, but sent some neural twin
flashing wildly through the cortex. Love's
merciless, the way it travels on
and keeps emitting light. Beside the stove
we ate an orange. And there were purple flowers
on the table. And we still had hours.

~Kim Addonizio


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national poetry month 2016, monthly writing roundup, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, poetry, books, comics everybody!, comics: batman and robin: eternal

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