blessed be the boys time can't capture

Mar 11, 2016 11:34

Things! And also, stuff!

+ Captain America: Civil War trailer. Also, the Buzzfeed cast tumblr Q&A. I guess I'll be bringing tissues with me, considering the answers these guys gave, though I'll be crying over Steve and Natasha not being on the same side, and laughing at Tony's assertion that Steve would ever choose their work-friends relationship over his womb-to-tomb relationship with Bucky. (and I even feel like "work-friends" is a little strong; "colleagues who can get along to save the world" is probably closer to their actual relationship.) I mean, I still think that has to be a misdirect somehow, right?

I mean, lbr, part of me really wants them to go full-on Tony Stark: Supervillain because it's not like they weren't a hair's breadth away from that in AoU, and apparently that was Tony's come to Jesus moment on working with the govt, but Steve spends all of AoU going "TONY NO" so I kind of get why he's still saying "TONY NO" here. I mean, that is the appropriate response to like 98% of things that Tony says.

It's interesting that Bruce is not in this movie, because sure Science Bros etc, but I can't ever see him being on a side with Thunderbolt Ross. Like, ever. And I haven't even seen any of the Hulk movies! That just seems like something Bruce would never do. So not having him in it makes sense, because it's difficult enough to reconcile a Tony who is suddenly on board with govt oversight (despite that govt having recently been revealed to be riddled with HYDRA - don't forget it was Garry Shandling to whom he refused to turn over the Iron Man suit in IM2, and he was right to do so, even if his reasons were not), but having Bruce be okay with it would be a bridge too far. And again, I think the inclusion of Thunderbolt Ross is supposed to be a huge honking clue that the govt side is wrong.

I'm also interested to see how they play Natasha's decision, because even though I've seen arguments in favor of her being pro-reg, none of them feel compelling enough to me in the movieverse.

My niece texted me this morning worried that Steve's going to die, and I was like, "Well, that could happen? But afaik, Evans is signed for both Infinity War movies, so he'll be back if he does die?" And she was like, "ah, okay. I don't want to watch these movies without Steve." And I said, "AMEN, SISTER."

I was SO HAPPY to see "I could do this all day" make a return here. That is Steve in a nutshell. When Tony says, "Just stay down" I was like, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH HERE? and then Steve says, "I could do this all day" and I maybe made a sound only dogs could hear. *cough*

Mostly, what I want is for Steve and Bucky to get to be alive and themselves and to fight on the same side and maybe have a hug in addition to all those lingering looks and shoulder touches. Bucky at Steve's six means all is right in my world.

+ And from one fight against fascism to another, The 100: Terms and Conditions
I am all in with Harper here: "let's shock-lash Pike's fascist ass!" And then they did!

I also like that we got to see some of Miller's relationship with his boyfriend but the problem here is that we never saw them interacting prior to them being on opposite sides of this particular issue, so it's hard to get worked up about them as a couple in an emotional sense, and I kept telling myself they wouldn't kill the gay black dude so soon after killing the lesbian, right? But I was worried about Miller the whole time.

♥RAVEN♥ Oh man, I know her going up against ALIE isn't going to end well, but I was so glad to see her figure out that taking away the good (...whatever you think about her relationship with Finn, it was obviously important to her for a long time) along with the pain was not a thing she could live with. The fact that is was Jasper who got her there made me like him for a few seconds, which is the first time that's happened in...ever, maybe?

I was glad not to see Gaeta Sinclair get executed for treason again. Staging a prison riot will always be one of my favorite distraction tactics! I'm so glad that was the plan, though seriously, Kane, you should have just run Bellamy down. Or killed Pike yourself. Though I get why you didn't, on both a character and meta level.

And what that boils down to on both levels is: Bellamy.

Being party to the murder of 299 grounders, and then shooting the two emissaries who came to get Pike in this episode, not to mention being in on the raid against that village put Bellamy pretty clearly in irredeemable territory, and yet it looks like they are going to try to bring him back from that and the end of this episode is the first step in that.

I think it's a really interesting characterization choice with him here - you could look at it and say "Bellamy's okay with slaughter except with it hits someone he knows/cares about" - e.g., it's no accident Indra survives because Bellamy prevents her from being killed (I mean, Watsonianly; obviously she's an important character who still has a role to play so she won't die yet) because she's Octavia's mentor/friend and even though Bellamy and Octavia are on the outs, Bellamy still knows Indra etc. But it doesn't work because he apparently has no problem with locking up Lincoln and treating him badly and they were companions in battle, if not friends, so you'd think Bellamy would care a little more about how he's treated, especially considering how the kids tortured him back in s1. And while they keep playing up this idea of Kane as Bellamy's mentor now that Clarke is off in Polis, the relationship doesn't have the emotional heft to it that would allow for it to be Kane's execution that would get Bellamy to realize how far Pike's gone. So that doesn't really track as a reason for his change of heart.

But what Kane said to him about Pike - that's the key. Bellamy begins and ends the episode saying that he thinks about the safety of his people every minute of every day (or whatever the quote actually was), and now he's faced with the reality that Pike isn't just going to war with the Grounders, and he's not just spying on residents of Arkadia (and Bellamy's okay with that, or at least he doesn't speak up against it), now he's going to start executing their own people. Admittedly for what is technically treason, but could probably hold up in court(!!) as removing a leader who is no longer fit for command. I mean, Pike certainly would be convicted of war crimes, and Bellamy with him, regardless of whether he was voted into office or not.

Because they're not on the Ark anymore. They don't have to float people for minor infractions. And they need all hands on deck if they're going to survive. And I think suddenly that's what Bellamy is realizing. Pike isn't just going to try to take the war to the Grounders. He's going to thin out their own crew of people who disagree with him. Kane says, "The threat's inside the walls" and I think that's finally what becomes clear to Bellamy, and why he makes the decision he does at the end of this episode.

I mean, I'm still not jumping on board the 'let's redeem Bellamy' train because no. But given all the shortcuts they took with his characterization to get him to this point, I'm willing to accept that this is the motivation for this particular turn. I mean, it makes more sense to me than anything else he's done, anyway. *hands*

And I imagine that's why Abby was absent this episode - she's got to be outside this plan so she could step in as a leader who isn't compromised the way Pike and Kane would be by these actions. (Or maybe I'm just giving them more credit than they deserve. But it's the only explanation I could come up with for her being Dr. Not Appearing in this Episode.)

Lastly, I wonder if they are ever going to give us a flashback to what actually happened at Farm Station (and to Mr. Monty's Mom) to explain why they are the way they are. I mean, other than Ice Nation killing a lot of them.

+ Amazon is resurrecting The Tick! But in live-action and without Patrick Warburton, but with Ben Edlund on board. So my feelings are mixed. I vastly preferred the cartoon, and I don't see who else could actually play a live-action version, but I guess we'll see! SPOON!

*rereads post*

I'm not sure anything I said here makes any sense whatsoever, but it's Friday so I don't care that much.


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