and we'll remember this when we are old and ancient

Mar 02, 2016 10:14

I don't know if it was my mood last night or what, but I feel like it was kind of an unexpectedly meh night of television.

Brooklyn Nine Nine: Cheddar
Listen, I think Cheddar is ADORABLE but for the most part, this episode was too much typical sitcom wackiness and not enough B99-brand sitcom wackiness, if that makes sense. I mean, I thought Gina and Holt were great, and Braugher totally sold the emotional moment at the end, but ugh, Boyle. Why was he even having LASIK? He's never even worn glasses on the show! And I guess the Rosa/Pimento stuff was funny but also I'm with Terry - I don't really want to watch that!

Agent Carter: Hollywood Ending
While this had some great moments and lines - everything with Howard Stark was hilarious (and he and Manfredi probably even knew each other before they were rich and famous), I liked what they did with Jack (and I'm guessing that was Michael Carter who shot him?) - but it didn't seem to add up to much. It was oddly anticlimactic for a season (and likely series) finale. I don't know, I felt like it took the easiest way out on every problem instead of doing something more interesting.

I'm still not happy with how Violet just disappeared, nor the fact that apparently Peggy and Wilkes' flirtation was simply an obstacle to Peggy/Sousa. I mean, I like Sousa fine and I find Enver Gjokaj dreamy, but I feel like this was a payoff that never got the appropriate emotional set up. It looked like they were going to do the work early on but then they just kind of ...didn't. Violet said Daniel was still in love with Peggy (!!!) and boom! That was it. Otoh, I did like the half-dance with Wilkes as a callback to the dance she never got with Steve. It was a nice reference - pointed but not too heavy-handed.

I also didn't care for Whitney Frost's ending. It's Azula all over again - give a woman power and it just oversets her into madness! (And I feel like Azula's mental breakdown was foreshadowed, so I dislike it a lot less for her than some people do. But here it felt rote.) I also feel like they didn't really do her justice in terms of what she wanted to do with the zero matter before it made her crazy. I did like that Howard acknowledged her genius and that they used her own work against her, and that Manfredi teamed up with them because he loved her in his way, and I also liked that she laid down the law about when he could touch her etc. But overall it just felt like a waste of a compelling villain.

I was glad to see Rose - and Howard flirting with her in his gross way (I hope she gets her own hovercar out of it) - and Ana, but why create these fun ladies and then do hardly anything with them? Sigh.

I love Peggy a lot and overall, I enjoyed the show, but I feel like it never quite managed to be as good as it could have been.


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tv: agent carter, tv: brooklyn nine-nine

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