if you don't want me, set me free

Jan 13, 2016 11:30

They said the wind chill was in single digits this morning, so I put on my flannel lined khakis that I bought last year, and didn't have to wear tights under my trousers in order not to freeze on the bus stop. Go me.

I am not going to complain too much about the weather, because we are nearly halfway through January (!!!) and it's only like the third really frigid day (and also it hasn't snowed yet), which is more in line with my recollections of winters before the last two years (and excluding, like, 1993-1996, which were full of massive storms). And also, it's supposed to go back up to 40-ish tomorrow.


iZombie: Method Head
Honestly, I would have probably watched an entire episode of vignettes set while Major and Ravi dig up that field looking for the utopium, but this was very enjoyable, even if I don't understand the reasoning behind scheduling an episode last night - when nothing else was on because of the State of the Union - and then keeping the show off the air again until 2/2. Why not show the DCU promo this week, and then bring iZombie back next week with the rest of the CW shows? I will never understand network executive thinking.

Also, I am 1000% behind the idea of Rahul Kohli as young Han Solo. Have you seen the unfortunate trio of bland interchangeable white boys that are in the running? WTF? At least Kohli is super charming and loves Star Wars. And also tall. He's nicely tall. (I guess also that kid who played young Harrison Ford's character in Age of Adaline would be acceptable - he seems to have the face for it, though I haven't seen that movie, but he isn't even on this list for some reason. I don't get it. This is not even River Phoenix levels of acceptable!)

(If they did make an Ahsoka movie, though, I'd like to see Gina Rodriguez in the role. Or maybe Nicole Beharie. They'd have to make them look taller, but that's what apple boxes are for.)



What I've just finished
When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare, which was fun, but didn't quite live up to its awesome tropey premise, I thought. The sex is pretty hot, though.

Duke of Midnight by Elzabeth Hoyt, aka, GEORGIAN ERA ROMANCE NOVEL BATMAN. Which could have used more Batman (though the titular hero's name is Maximus Batten, so I guess they thought there couldn't BE anymore Batman, because there's NONE MORE BAT THAN MAXIMUS BATTEN) and a little less alphahole romance novel hero (though I guess of all people, Bruce Wayne-in-the-eighteenth-century would be that guy). I don't usually enjoy those types of heroes in my romance novels (and I say that as someone who lists Devil's Cub as her favorite Heyer, but Vidal not only gets shot by Mary, he gets puked on by her, so.), so I wanted Artemis (yes, the heroine of Romance Novel Batman is of course named for a moon goddess, a la Selina or Diana; in fact, he calls her Diana a lot during intimate moments, which I'm not sure I approve of, in thinking about it; it's not her name, after all) to take him down a few more notches than she did.

Also! He wears harlequin motley as his vigilante disguise. THE BATMAN DOESN'T DRESS LIKE THE JOKER (or Harley Quinn). That was kind of a mixed signal, I thought. And also I wanted the blind younger sister to secretly be Robin. *hands* The Alfred analogue and the Jim Gordon analogue were pretty on-point though. And there's a plot about Bedlam that substitutes nicely for Arkham.

As a romance novel it's fine, though more purple than I generally enjoy in the sex scenes, but I honestly read it for the Batman business, which was amusing enough in its own way.

Speaking of Batman, I also read Batman & Robin Eternal #15, and yet again I must say, STOP TRYING TO MAKE AZRAEL HAPPEN. HE IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Ugh, I hate that guy so much. Otoh, I did enjoy Jason in this one.

What I'm reading now
Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond by Gene Kranz. I just started it on the train this morning, so I don't have a lot to say except I still can't believe they did what they did with the technology they had. It blows my tiny mind. And it makes me sad that we're doing so little now with so much more technology.

What I'm reading next
Again, I'm just filling in the two weeks until City of Blades comes out, so I don't know.


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, batman, books, comics: batman and robin: eternal, tv: izombie

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