ain't there one damn song that can make me break down and cry

Jan 11, 2016 12:56

RIP David Bowie. Check ignition, and may God's love be with you.

Wow, I woke up this morning to the news and all I could think was that it was another hoax, like the one from a couple of years ago. I thought it might still be asleep and dreaming, but no, it's all too real. He was so talented and such a consummate artist - of course he dropped an album to say goodbye, even if none of us knew it yet. Apparently even the Vatican paid their respects.


I posted a story yesterday:

And All Along You Knew My Story (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Ahsoka, Leia, Luke; g; 2,575 words
In which Ahsoka meets the pilot who destroyed the Death Star.

This is not the story I mentioned the other day when I said I had an idea about how Ahsoka might have survived through the OT era. This is a completely different story where she knows Leia and meets Luke. The other one still requires me figuring out at least one action scene, possibly two, depending on whether Vader shows up at all. I haven't decided yet.

I also spent a good portion of my falling asleep time last night composing a speech for Force ghost!Anakin to give to Kylo Ren about how terrible the dark side is, but it didn't quite make sense in the light of day (it also possibly ripped off Ged's speech to Tenar about the Nameless Ones pretty wholesale*; I own my influences, and it seemed apropos). Otoh, it did give me a reason to have written 750 words of Anakin and Rey doing tai chi together, so at least I know where that's going now? Yesterday, I was like "this is the most pointless thing in existence!" But now I know what to do with it.

*"They have nothing to give. They have no power of making. All their power is to darken and destroy. They cannot leave this place; they are this place; and it should be left to them. They should not be denied nor forgotten, but neither should they be worshiped. [...] They exist. But they are not your Masters. They never were. You are free, Tenar. You were taught to be a slave, but you have broken free."

It's interesting to me that while I'm totally into reading shippy Rey/Finn and Rey/Finn/Poe fic for the new movie (and old school Han/Leia [and possibly Han/Leia/Luke if it ever matched my notions of how that relationship would work]), I just want to write gen Skywalker fic (I am including Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, if he ever shows up, in that designation as well as the two who married in, and I obviously believe Rey is a Skywalker).

Some fandoms are mostly gen fandoms for me writing-wise, I guess. I wrote a bunch of wincest and Dean het, but I also wrote a ton of gen in SPN, and a bit of it in Firefly as well, and I was kind of missing it. I mean, 98% of my MCU ideas have been shippy, and I'm more than okay with that, but sometimes I just want gen focused on friendships or familial (whether found or blood) relationships. I wish I could write action/adventure, since it is also mostly what I want to read in Star Wars, with some humor and romance thrown in. I guess I'll just have to rely on all y'all for that, while I muddle my way through all these Skywalker family feelings I need to work out.


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