everybody knows that the war is over

Dec 14, 2015 13:34

I spent a good portion of yesterday lying in bed with a pillow over my face because headache. That is not usual for me. I wonder if I was dehydrated? I usually drink a lot of water, but maybe I didn't over the weekend? I feel about 95% better today, though I can still feel the headache lingering behind my eyes.

Anyway! It means that I still only have 95 words of Yuletide written, so hopefully I can get back on that horse soonish. Sigh.

It also means my December talking posts have all been bumped a day, and today I will talk about Agent Carter for

While the show has its problems - I was much less bothered by the 101-level instances of sexism in the workplace/why we need feminism than a lot of people - it really needs to be better all around on race, and it also needs more women in the cast, not just in Peggy's personal life, but also in her working environment. Dottie as her nemesis and Angie as her roommate are just not enough when the show is so focused on Peggy and a group of dudes both in the SSR and in opposition to her.

With the show's move to California in the second season, I'd like to see them add some more women in the SSR offices, and also more people of color (this would be a great opportunity to have Jim Morita show up frequently, as he is canonically from California and could have moved to LA after the war. IJS. That's one easy choice right there, if the actor is available.)

But mostly, I loved seeing Peggy beat the crap out of bad guys and be wry and English with Jarvis (and I'd like to see Anna Jarvis be more involved - since they've cast her, I'm hoping she gets a lot to do), while also being a sharp investigator and a canny spy.

I loved the meta aspects of using the Captain America radio show to dive into the legend surrounding Cap and the erasure of Peggy-as-equal-hero in that story, and how she takes back that starring role at the end (even if I didn't love her final pronouncement that she knows her own worth and doesn't need the commendation Thompson stole from her - I'm glad she knows her own worth but she needs to get credit for her work, which I will presume she does when she becomes Director of SHIELD, though of course her legacy is tarnished because of the HYDRA infiltration). I also really like that she uses people's - men's really - underestimation of her to get the job done while they're all flailing around in the dark. There's a lot to be said about putting the stratagems women have had to use throughout history to get things done front and center, acknowledging that they're both necessary and viable because of sexism.

I also loved the music and the clothes (and the lipstick!) and the fight scenes - that Peggy's a brawler, not a martial artist and she stands in there swinging, just like Steve, and she uses whatever's to hand to do what must be done.

I love that she got closure on her relationship with Steve, and that while he'll always be in her heart, she's not going to stop living her life because he's dead frozen.

And I'm so happy we're getting a second season!

In other TV news, how GREAT was last night's Brooklyn Nine Nine? YIPPEE KAYAK, OTHER BUCKETS. Oh Charles, you do try hard, but like Jake, I was gritting my teeth at your wrongness. I guess Charles has only ever seen the edited for television version.

Jack's utter GLEE over realizing that he was in a real life DIE HARD scenario was only matched by Gina's manic FLAMETHROWER face at the end. And the montage to SLAM, which I don't think I've heard in, like, 20 years. The shoe stretchers! The MANNEQUIN ARM. Oh my god, they were so hilarious. Plus Amy! "Shut your poem mouth!" to Holt! And Terry + the Vulture was amazing! And he finally told Zeke off. "Kids, I love you. Sharon, you're perfect. Zeke, get a job!" Hee! And then Holt recommending he should look into becoming a lieutenant! While asking for his badge and gun.

Ah, that was just excellent television all around.

In other TV news, spectralbovine wrote a great recruitment post for Steven Universe. Now if only it would come back from hiatus. Sigh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/800797.html.
people have commented there.

tv: agent carter, tv: steven universe, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, memes: 31 days of december

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