I brace myself 'cause I know it's going to hurt

Dec 08, 2015 12:00

My period showed up yesterday, 11 days early, and only 19 days since the last one. wtf, body? that is not on! That is the shortest it's ever been. I am not a fan.


I enjoyed this week's Brooklyn Nine Nine but don't really have anything to say about it. I laughed. "It's physics, Terry. Physics." Of course it is.

Last night's Supergirl made me squee repeatedly. I loved Cat's speech intercut with Kara talking down the looter (do I think that would really work? no. Did I want it to work? Hell yes.). I love that this show embraces the inspirational/aspirational aspects of superheroes, that Kara whined a little bit, but still stood up and helped out without her powers (and with a broken arm!).

I like that Alex is a badass, but I don't think those scenes made any sense? Like, I have a lot of questions about how things work at the DEO, because nothing there seemed like things highly trained military personnel would do? But I'm willing to handwave it because HOLY FUCK J'ONN J'ONZZ ON LIVE TV. I know we speculated on it, despite Hank Henshaw being a whole different character (Cyborg Superman), but the 'real' Hank Henshaw will presumably show up in the season finale (along with Dean Cain), so maybe he will be cyborg-ized. Meanwhile, MARTIAN MANHUNTER HELL YES.

"Superman. What a nerd." ♥♥♥

I also liked the scene about Olsen Sr. Nice moment for Kara and James, until it was ruined by Winn's entitled Nice Guy fuckery. Fuck the fuck off, Winn. I was starting to warm to you but no more. Especially not when the show had Kara apaologize even though she did NOTHING WRONG and he was just being a dick.

The dialogue is still on the nose and some of the plotting is still pretty nonsensical, but man, Melissa Benoist is so great and the show seems to really understand what makes the Superfam so great (unlike Man of Steel, for instance) that I don't care that much.


AV Club has a great essay about the FNL episode "The Son": One of the best TV episodes of the ’00s is about death, dads, and deviled eggs. I teared up at my desk just reading it. (also, I know he is too old, but Zach Gilford is still my mental Adam Parrish.)

I keep thinking I should do an FNL rewatch, but do I really want to cry that much? It is a dilemma.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/799299.html.
people have commented there.

tv: friday night lights, tv: supergirl, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, my life so hard, clear eyes full hearts can't lose

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