you got me where you want me, i surrender, come on

Dec 01, 2015 14:25

I picked the worst morning ever to oversleep; work has been frantic since I arrived.

Quick things:
= my dad's surgery went well and he's on his way home as we speak. When I spoke to him last night, his only complaint was a case of the hiccups.

= L. reported that her co-workers liked the pb cups, and also that the chocolate remained hard at room temperature, so I think the tempering worked.

= I was on the aforementioned phone call with dad while watching Supergirl so I didn't see much but I did like Cat Grant's bit about how women can't be angry in the work place and how to deal with that/work around it, and Kara taking her advice, and also James explicitly mentioning that black men are also not allowed to be angry in public (I honestly thought he'd also call General Lane out on his blatant racism, but the show didn't do it explicitly and I'm not sure how I feel about that). Poor Red Tornado - first having to chaperone a bunch of hormonal teenage supers, and now this. He deserved better (also they got rid of T.O. Morrow really quickly!).

= November 2015 writing roundup:

trade in these wings on some wheels (at AO3)
DCU; Tim/Kon, Bart; g; 2,440 words
"You remember fun, don't you, Tim?"


December talking meme:

December 1:
endeni asked: your hopes for the new Star Wars movie?

Ha! I just want it to be fun/entertaining and not make me hate my favorite characters. Like many people, I've been living with Leia, Han, and Luke since I was 7 years old, and I just want them to be recognizable extrapolations from their OT days. I've made my peace with the PT being terrible movies by glomming onto The Clone Wars in their stead, and honestly, if TFA can be at the level of a strong TCW arc - not even a great one, but just a good one (or something at the level of the Rebels s1 finale/s2 premiere; or maybe as good as Kieron Gillen's current Darth Vader comic, which is excellent and you should all read it) - I'll be happy. I want the new characters to feel like people and to make me root for them the way I immediately rooted for the original trio. I also hope for cool space battles and lightsaber duels. *hands* I'm a simple woman with simple needs.

I am cautiously optimistic, because despite JJ Abrams' terrible soundbites, he can make entertaining movies, and also today I learned that Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote some music for TFA. So. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I've got a good feeling about it, but I don't have a bad one, and that's a start.

There's still days open to ask me to talk about stuff!


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, monthly writing roundup, tv: supergirl, work, movies: star wars, memes: 31 days of december, my life so hard

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