You think you're higher than every star above

Nov 17, 2015 12:53

Someone must have recced a couple of my older Steve/Bucky stories, because the past couple of days they've gotten way more kudos than 2-3 year old stories usually do. Sadly, I haven't been able to figure out where they came from.


Supergirl: Livewire
The writing on this show still needs to improve, but hot damn if I didn't enjoy all the ladies in this episode, especially Brit Morgan (aka, Lacey from The Middleman) as Livewire. I maybe kind of ship her with Kara now? Also, they gave Cat Grant some interesting characterization! I already like her 80% more than I previously did, partly because of how she stood up to Livewire and also seemed to not want Kara to get hurt (though points off for using an elevator in an electrical emergency? WHO DOES THAT?). The stuff with Alex and Eliza worked, I thought, though I was surprised that Kara calls her "Eliza" and was so insistent that she was her foster mom. I guess because she's old enough to have had a relationship with her own parents?

I could do without James Olsen being a dick by calling Kara even though he got back together with his girlfriend, but I liked the villain-dad reveal for Winn (so will Winn go the way of Tommy Merlyn and Eddie Thawne, or will he turn into a villain?) and apparently Toymaker is going to show up at some point (he's been cast), so that'll be fun.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Twenty-Eight
Oh my heart. I really liked how this episode used the time jumps, though I was surprised they covered so much time in one episode. I guess they will have flashbacks to fill in stuff later? (Especially the Michael-Nadine stuff, I think. Keeping Michael out of this episode was a wise move.)

I loved the rapprochement between Jane and Petra (also, MAGDA NOW HAS A HOOK FOR A HAND), I enjoyed daddy!Rafael a lot, plus HOMBRES LOCO. Oh, Rogelio, never change. <333

I also watched Sunday's Brooklyn Nine Nine, which I enjoyed. Boyle singing "Charles in Charge!" Holt's sheer disappointment when Peralta didn't know who Will Shortz was! Gina! Rosa's dancing! Terry's gasp when Rosa said "poopyhead!" TERRY DOESN'T LIKE BATHROOM LANGUAGE. HITCHCOCK SWALLOWING THE FISH. Hee!


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