you took the blue out of the sky

Nov 12, 2015 12:04

Ugh, why is writing so hard?


Arrow: Lost Souls
Wow it's nice to see an adult relationship handled well on a superhero show! I was so afraid they were going to stupidly break up Oliver and Felicity, but they didn't! I understand Felicity's freakout, and though I might quibble a little with Mama Smoak's phrasing (I don't think you should 'find yourself' in another person, per se), I think what she was saying was what Felicity needed to hear, and I'm so glad she and Oliver were able to talk about it at the end. And Oliver! My gosh, how much has he grown on this show? I never thought I'd say it, but I love him so much! He still thinks he knows what's best for everyone, but now at least he knows that he doesn't always know (though I imagine he didn't so much invite Donna as Donna invited herself and he was powerless to stop her). Plus, it led to that magnificent scene with Diggle in the lair. That made me so happy!

So is Detective Captain Lance going to find happiness with Donna Smoak just before he ends up in that grave? I really want to see everyone's faces when they realize that hookup is happening. Hee! (I'm still refusing to acknowledge that it could be Felicity. Mostly based on the idea that Barry wouldn't be late and would be much more upset.)

Curtis is wonderful. He can stay. I'll be happy to see the back of Ray Palmer, though. Sigh. He never worked on this show (I'm not sure he'd have worked even if he'd been Ted Kord, tbh, but at least that might have opened the door for Jaime Reyes).

Poor Sara got the short shrift though. And maybe they should have sent her off because she couldn't be around Thea because of the Lazarus Pit thing. But she should have gotten a little more attention before being sent off. Maybe she'll show up on The Flash since she's heading to Central City. I think Cisco would be thrilled to see her.

So...was that a Motherbox Darhk was opening up at the end?

Lastly, Felicity confirmed Star City is on the west coast, and while I know people say it's in California, I think it must be either Seattle or Portland. (On Supergirl, you'd think National City would be DC, but no, apparently it's Los Angeles. *hands* As much as I approve of the DC one-hero-one-city method, rather than bunching them all up in one place a la Marvel, I still don't understand how the fake cities work geographically half the time and I'm pretty sure they don't either.)

Star Wars Rebels: Wings of the Master
Before spoilers, I just want to say ♥HERA♥ I hoped for a little more exploration of Hera's feelings, both about trying/failing to supply the blockaded planet, given that she talks about her time on Ryloth as a child, and also flying, and what it means to her to be officially made a leader in the rebellion (Kanan suddenly seems all gung-ho about it, which... is odd), but I'm glad we got as much as we got. Also, the music was lovely. And next week, we finally get an episode about Sabine, which will hopefully flesh her out some more.

In other news, cranberry bliss bars are back at Starbucks, possibly the only holiday thing I am okay with showing up before Thanksgiving.


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