for the trouble you took from her eyes

Nov 10, 2015 11:18

I forgot to mention it yesterday, so I'll start off with Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Amy and Gina were fun, the camping trip was a huge sitcom cliche made enjoyable by the fact that Terry, Charles, and Jake are fully fleshed out characters (I especially liked that nobody pulled a "no homo" on the spooning and the argument was simply over who got to spoon who(m? Why even have the word who if it's never correct?!), but the real MVPs of this episode were Rosa and Holt. I laughed SO HARD AT EVERYTHING. Andre Braugher is a gift, you guys. Just utterly, perfectly hilarious.

I really loved the sisterly stuff here, and Cat Grant had some hilarious lines (Millennial Falcon! Keeping Up with the Kryptonians! Begin my compliments!), but I am so not down for adding another angle to the love triangle business, even if it is Lois's sister. (What this show really needs is a Lois, but then, most shows could use a Lois.) I did like Jimmy Olsen's signal watch, and Clark using emoticons in his iChat (though I'm choosing to believe that that was triple encrypted by Oracle, because let's not talk about our secret alien superhero identities over unsecure channels, people! Somewhere in Gotham (the city, not the show), Bruce Wayne got a migraine at the very idea.) I also totally understand why they wanted to address the Superman issue, but they've got to let it go now. I think it's actually some good characterization for her - she still on some level feels she was supposed to protect him but she failed at that by showing up late, and she doesn't like that it's been turned around so that he's protecting her, she needs to stand on her own two feet etc. But they can't keep hitting that note and mentioning him. The show has to be about her. Though I do imagine in the season finale or sometime in the future, she's going to save him, just as Alex predicted. Maybe by then they'll have actually cast someone.

Jane the Virgin
I haven't really been on Team Michael for a lot of the reasons outlined in this episode, but attacking Rafael WHILE HE'S HOLDING MATEO IN HIS ARMS is over the line. I'm not sure how Jane ever gets over that and goes back to him, because that was some truly scary anger, and the baby ended up hurt.

I really loved Jane trying to help Petra and the tentative but genuine 2% friendship that could - but won't - spring up between them.

Rogelio's feud with Britney was HILARIOUS.

But as usual, the true heart of this show is the relationship between the Villanueva women, and they made my heart happy last night with all their shenanigans. *happy sigh*


I meant to tell this story the other day when it happened, but I forgot, but it still amuses me so... I went to Starbucks and the girl behind the counter was like "Elizabeth, right?" And I said, "Victoria, actually," and she apologized profusely, and I waved it off. "They're both queen names, right?" and she laughed and said that the woman in line before me was named Regina and she herself was named Stephanie, which means "crown" so we were all very regal. *g*


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tv: supergirl, tv: jane the virgin, tv: brooklyn nine-nine

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