my abdominally-gifted friend is a gentleman

Sep 20, 2015 18:30

Today, I read all of Grayson that is available, and if you enjoy Dick Grayson and spyjinx, then I definitely recommend it to you, though it is of course set within the new 52 continuity, so his backstory is all condensed and Helena Bertinelli doesn't seem to have been the Huntress in Gotham/part of the Birds of Prey/an ancillary Batfamily member. What she is, though, is awesome, in her role as matron at St. Hadrian's finishing school for girls, which is the same school for teen girl assassins that Steph was undercover in during Batman Inc., iirc, and these girls, while they don't play a major role in the book so far, certainly appreciate the eye candy that is Dick Grayson living among them. She's also Dick's partner, which is always a fun time.

Plus, there's Agent 1, aka, Tiger, who is also hot and competent and with whom Dick bickers a lot, and that is on top of Midnighter showing up and identifying him by his perfect and famous ass. *hands* I think everyone involved in this understands how much ladies (and gay men) love Dick Grayson. (It comes up in this interview.)

Given that Spyral - the agency Dick is working for - is in competition with ARGUS and Checkmate (and probably the DEO, though they don't get namechecked), surely in the world where DC and Marvel crossover, SHIELD must exist. I absolutely want someone to write the crossover where Dick and Natasha are after the same information or whatever. Not just because of his weakness for brilliant redheads and her penchant for former boy sidekicks (though a story that ended with Natasha and Helena walking off together while Dick and Bucky had drinks would be A-OK by me), but because she could certainly use some cheerful and talented mancandy in her life.

I like the art - everybody is super pretty and the layouts can be inventive - and I'm also very interested to see what happens when Dick goes home. If you don't recall, or didn't know, Dick's identity was outed at the end of some event or other, and everybody (but Bruce, and I'm guessing Alfred, though that's never confirmed on panel) thinks he's dead.

fluoresce and the internet have informed me that Bruce has amnesia and many people think he's dead (not Alfred, though), and Jim Gordon is filling in as mecha-Batman(!!!), while Bruce has a hot dad beard and is working as a youth counselor or something. And while amnesiac, bearded, hot dad, youth counselor Bruce sounds more like fanfic, and is probably not as satisfying in canon as it would be in fic, I just love that fact that he exists. Roll that around in your brainpan for a while, kiddies. Amnesiac bearded hot dad youth counselor Bruce Wayne.

Comics, everybody!

Anyway, while I haven't read any of whatever put Bruce in that position, I did read Batman (2011-) #44, which is a noirish one-shot by Scott Snyder and Brian Azzarrello, with fantastic art by Jock. It's a story from Bruce's early days in the cowl (again with the new 52 condensed timeline), and it is about institutional corruption and oppression, and how the system is broken and needs fixing at a macro level, that Gotham's crime problem is a lot more complex and that punching criminals in costumes won't fix it, and also how as a costumed vigilante, Batman has a responsibility to save victims of crime as well as catch perpetrators. I don't regularly read Batman, but I liked it a lot and definitely recommend it if it sounds like the sort of thing you enjoy reading.


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crossovers that should exist, comics everybody!, everybody loves dick, hot xover pairings, batman, comics: grayson, you should totally write that, comics: batman

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