if anything could ever be this good again

Aug 27, 2015 11:50

Two links:

1. Raising a Mets fan, a blog post by Jennifer Meer.

The money quote:
There are many things I treasure about loving and raising a Mets fan. I love their distinctly curmudgeonly outlook on life tinged with a reluctant yet persistent belief in what's possible. I love their under doggedness. Being a Mets fan (and similarly loving them) means you know all too well that many times the story does not end the way you want. But it doesn't change your ability to believe in the happy ending, no matter how much you hide that belief.

Six and a half games up on the Nats at the end of August! And then of course reality sets in. #the existential futility of being a mets fan

2. The Legend of Korra: Deliberately Deconstructed by
beccatoria, which is a fascinating look at all four seasons of LoK:
When The Legend of Korra finished, late last year, I was left with the strange sense that I had watched a show completely, and deliberately, dismantle itself. Much was made of that final iconic shot of Korra and Asami leaving for the Spirit World, in what was, honestly, the queerest “platonic” moment I've seen on television since Xena managed to stage a PG-rated dance-orgy. It was (to its credit) both obvious and unavoidable, but it was also the capstone to a much wider-ranging set of choices designed to destabilise accepted narratives. This would be worthy of exploration under any circumstance, but I feel it is particularly fascinating given how much of it appears to be in direct reaction to the events of Book One: Air. While I've seen countless shows begin with promise, only to fall foul of hegemonic expectations, I'm not sure I've ever seen one begin carelessly and then spend three seasons systematically and critically dismantling its initial premise.

And here is some excellent meta about how bending has changed between AtLA and LoK, and also across the seasons of LoK, and how that illustrated story and character development: Jings and Other Things: How Combat Informs Character, Cultural Progress, and Vice Versa by
progmanx (note: the post is heavy on gifs).

(okay, it's actually four links, but on two subjects. no really, I can count.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/774810.html.
people have commented there.

sports, tv: avatar: the legend of korra, links, the futility of being a mets fan

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