this is where i'm gonna sit and buy you a drink someday

Aug 25, 2015 11:48

I've been here the whole time, but for people coming back to DW/LJ, here's what I'm up to these days...

So what have you been up to? / Major life changes? Same old same old?
Same old same old. I thought there'd be more going on because I thought I'd have to move in September in addition to getting a new boss etc., but right now that doesn't seem like it's going to happen. And the new boss seems like she's going to be cool, but she doesn't start for another couple of weeks.

What fandom are you in/do you spend most of your time in?
MCU, specifically Steve and Bucky, but I am always somewhat multifannish, so many other things also get my attention. (Recently, not related to the MCU, I'm spending a lot of time thinking about: Tim/Kon, Ahsoka Tano, Sirius/Remus, Robins…)

Where do you hang out online?
I'm here on DW/LJ, and on Tumblr, I'm cacchieressa, because originally I got a tumblr to follow tumblrs about Robins and to post baking pictures. It wasn't supposed to be so fannish? Ha. Yeah.

I'm not on it during the work day, and sometimes I take two or three day breaks from it, because it can be both numbing and infuriating, sometimes at the same time, but I think my tumblr - which is 85% fannish and 15% pictures of puppies - is as good a view into my soul as anything ever was. Maybe more than journal space, since I don't have say anything on Tumblr, I can just reblog a million different gif sets of my otps, favorite characters, and cute dogs.

What are you reading?
Books - see my what I'm reading Wednesday tag.

Fic - I regularly check the Steve/Bucky and Steve/Bucky/Natasha tags on AO3 for things relevant to my interests, and also my pinboard network. If you had told me two years ago that Steve/Bucky would become the juggernaut pairing of the fandom, I wouldn't have believed you. Not because I didn't ship it from the moment Bucky rescues Steve in that alleyway in CATFA, but because it hadn't taken off after the first movie, which made me so sad at the time. And now people complain about it, my little otp that overtook the original juggernauts. ♥

The Raven Cycle, though I must admit, sometimes it's too heavily focused on Adam/Ronan and not enough about Blue and the OT5 for me.


Also rereading some DCU faves, and I still read a number of other fandoms when the stories cross my path. My pinboard is probably the best place to see where my fic reading is at, though right now I have about 10 tabs open at home of things I need to write recs for. Sigh. #fangirl problems

What are you watching?
I cruised through all of Steven Universe this summer and am waiting eagerly for it - and all my other tv shows - to return. I haven't really caught on with any new-for-summer shows, but I've been slowly rewatching Legend of Korra for the first time after doing my usual summer AtLA rewatch.

I've also been obsessively looping through the last 3 HP movies for some reason - I find the epic horcrux hunting road trip unbelievably soothing for some reason (possibly because it soothes my trioshipping heart).

I also do some selected Clone Wars rewatching and to get really granular, I've probably watched the climactic scene of the Rebels s2 premiere an embarrassing number of times. (I'll be really honest - if Anakin's relationship with Padme weren't so central to the whole big tragedy [and also to producing my favorite character], I'd probably have shipped him with Ahsoka once I knew she existed, because it's exactly the kind of wrong mentor/student relationship that hits my id in strange, indefensible places. But I can't because the characters and the story don't work like that.)

I'm also awaiting season 3 of Miss Fisher on Netflix (as well as all my returning network shows), because I didn't acquire it, and thinking of restarting my stalled Leverage rewatch, and possibly doing a Middleman rewatch as well.

What are you making?
Fannishly, I'm currently heavily focused on writing two of my wsip: the Veronica Mars/Avengers crossover and the Sirius-is-Batman HP/DC fusion.

What are you squeeing about today?
The Mets! 11 games over .500! Five games up in the NL East! David Wright is back in some capacity! (the team now fields Thor [Noah Syndergaard], the Dark Knight [Matt Harvey], and Captain America [David Wright]. Bartolo Colon and Jacob DeGrom need superhero nicknames too, I guess.) I know it can only end in tears, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts and try not to be too heartbroken when it all goes down in flames in September as per usual.

If you could rope old fandom friends into a new fandom, it would be.....
The Raven Cycle! Check, Please! iZombie! The 100!

I should really watch/read/dive into _______ and then come talk to you about it!
Check, Please! The Raven Cycle! The 100! iZombie! The Flash! Steven Universe!

If you stopped watching Korra, you should watch seasons 3 and 4. They're really good!

Really, come talk about almost anything I'm fannish about (Robins! Middleman! Firefly! Steve/Bucky! Sirius/Remus! Nick/Cassie!) except the things I had bad breakups with (XMM, SPN). I get excited about a lot of my old fandoms when they pop up.

What else is on your mind?
Questions of why I can't find Star Wars fic that scratches my particular itches re: Leia + Anakin, Leia + Padme, Padme living to lead the Rebellion, Ahsoka + Luke and Leia, etc. (I'm banking on Rebels to rip my heart out re: Anakin+Ahsoka so I don't need fic for that I guess. please don't let Ahsoka die.) I am afraid of going looking without recs, and I don't want to write anything myself, so I click around grumpily on AO3 and wonder what I'm missing.


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memes: fannish, the futility of being a mets fan, all about me, you should totally write that, it's okay to love matt harvey, fannishness

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