but you had to come along, didn't you

Aug 02, 2015 12:34

I posted a story yesterday!

Parenting: A Guide By Bruce Wayne
DCU; Bruce, Alfred, Damian, Cass, Jason; g; 1,600 words
Three times Bruce was a Batdad to his Batkids.

Bruce is so frequently faily as a dad, but I like to think he occasionally gets it right. I have a lot of thoughts about how he mostly did great with Dick, because Dick was already kind of a kindred spirit (and also had 10-12 years with loving parents and extended family), and Bruce wasn't as jaded when Dick came into his life. And then he tried so hard for Jason but in so many ways that didn't really help either of them, and then Jason's death kind of killed the dad-ness in him. But he tried with Cass (I mean, in his own inimitable weird Bat ways; like, who takes a kid they've adopted to the grave of another kid they adopted?). Tim had already developed coping mechanisms for distant parents by the time Bruce adopted him, so I feel like Tim's needs are definitely more on the vigilante side than the son side (and also, Tim is very like Bruce, so they get along tolerably well even when they're unhappy with each other; also also, Tim had Dick in full-on big brother mode, the way he mostly wasn't for Jason), and then Damian, well. Damian needs all that dad-ness Jason's death killed. Luckily, Dick was able to step in and shoulder a lot of the load, and now Bruce is learning again how to be a father. (And Alfred, of course, is the constant - none of them get anywhere without Alfred, including Bruce. Especially Bruce.) Steph, of course, isn't actually one of Bruce's kids (and doesn't she know it), and she has her own daddy issues up the wazoo, but she also still has a mom with whom she's mended fences and so she (like Tim) needs Bruce's approval for the vigilante stuff more than the personal (and she also has Babs and Cass in her corner when she comes back).

I just have a lot of BATFEELINGS okay?


Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I was hit with the most awesome epic crossover idea:

What if: Veronica Mars, Agent of SHIELD.

What if the reason she comes back to Neptune is not law school/Piz/whatever in the movie, but that SHIELD is exposed as HYDRA? And Veronica is furious and betrayed! For once she thought she was serving something that, while not an unalloyed good, was more good than bad, but no, once again, she discovers that the powerful are always looking for ways to grind the powerless down under their heels.

So she goes back to Neptune and puts all those SHIELD-trained fighting skills and Neptune-honed investigative skills towards being a PI, but also on the side with sifting through the leaked SHIELD files and tracking down HYDRA.

And what if the rumor of a tiny blonde ball of righteous fury reaches the Winter Soldier, who is absolutely confused and bewildered when he meets Veronica because 1. not his tiny blond ball of fury (whom he now remembers is a large blond ball of righteous fury), and 2. what the fuck, how is this sleepy beach town a HYDRA cell?

And then three, just for shits and giggles, what if 3. Keith Mars comes home and discovers that American icon Bucky Barnes is 1a. the Winter Soldier, and 2a. sitting in his kitchen plotting glorious revenge with his daughter?

What then, I ask you? WHAT THEN?

as posted to tumblr.

And then
kosmicala mentioned how Veronica and Steve would be suspicious of each other at first, and I said:

Yes! Because Steve would be suspicious - how do you know she's not HYDRA? Also, her methods are questionable! (says the man who partners with the Black Widow; Natasha, btw, loves Veronica once the initial wariness is worn off; maybe they never worked together at SHIELD, but Veronica is, of course, an admirer of Natasha’s.)

And Veronica would be like, nobody who appears this good could possibly be this good! So she'd constantly be trying to find the dirt on him, to find the secret selfish agenda he’s hiding beneath all that square-jawed righteousness. And Bucky would tell her, Steve’s not perfect, he’s got his temper and his immediate turn to violence when things bug him and he makes things about himself and the chip on his shoulder a lot, but his intentions really are as good as they seem.

And so they'd slowly come to a rapprochement and then a friendship, and then yes, Bucky would be like, Why? Why was I cursed with two of them? And Sam and Wallace would laugh and Natasha would always be there back them up.

Ugh, someone who is not me totally needs to write a million words of this so I can read and reread it forever.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/768562.html.
people have commented there.

batman, crossovers that should exist, this is captain america calling, veronica mars is smarter than you, you should totally write that

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