trembling hands play my heart like a drum

Jul 14, 2015 12:30

It's my brother's birthday today, so we texted earlier, and I'm sure I'll be hearing from him tomorrow for my birthday. *g*

It's worth celebrating, because I actually finished a draft of the DCU/MCU crossover! 12k words! An ending I don't hate! Though it really is more like, "Batfamily shenanigans guest starring Captain America and Black Widow" than the equal crossover I expected when I started. Hopefully my internet connection at home will last long enough tomorrow to let me post it. *redacts rant about Time Warner Cable*

But when I do post it, I'm wondering how to tag the characters. It centers on Jason, Steve, and Natasha, with Babs in a strong supporting role, but the other Robins (and Batgirls, and more importantly, ALFRED) appear, and Tony and Coulson both show up in the beginning - is it worth tagging them in? Or should I just say "Batfamily, ensemble cast"? Because I don't want to disappoint anyone expecting more than a scene or whatever. I also need to clarify the Leviathan/HYDRA/Department X of the comics thing a little more (mostly because I didn't figure it out myself until 9k words in!), I think, but since it's out for beta right now, I probably won't do that until after I get
snacky's comments back.

I think one of the main reasons the endings of my stories are frequently less good than I would like, and possibly also the reason my pacing sometimes seems off, is that I no longer always have a beta for stories like this one, which have taken 2+ years to write, the early going is so heavily edited and polished, because I every time I start working on it again, I go over what's already written and refine it, but then the ending - like, in this case, the last 3k or so - is banged out and then maybe is lucky enough to get one more pass before a beta sees it, if I even get it looked over at all. And I know I should put it aside and edit some more so this doesn't happen, but when I'm done, I want to be done, you know? But also frequently I'm working on a deadline - often a self-imposed one (my birthday, or someone else's), but sometimes a ficathon deadline - and it just has to be posted then, and so even after 15 years of writing fanfic, I still have wonky endings sometimes. Hopefully this isn't one of them. I like it, anyway.

In other news, I introduced
mousapelli to Check, Please! last night, because it seemed right up her sports-anime-loving alley. I said, "it's a webcomic about a delightful, tiny, Southern, gay, pie-baking hockey player" and she said, "that sounds more like something you'd dream up than something that actually exists" and I said, "I KNOW BUT IT DOES." I even warned her that it's not complete and that it's on hiatus, and she still read it and flailed at me. So that worked out well. <333 (I mean, I'm still flailing about it to
devildoll, as well, but it's nice to have someone who's as new to it as I am, since I missed out on a lot of the squee while it was happening. Ugh, I draw a million sparkly hearts around all of them! Except Kent Parson. He can go suck an egg.)


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technology is not my friend, on archiving, writing: pacing, flove, comics: check please, writing is hard!, fannishness

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