all the movies in my head

Jul 07, 2015 18:40

One of the things I did over the weekend was watch Grantchester, which was easy because there's only 6 episodes, and sad because now I have no more episodes to watch and I loved it a lot.

I highly recommend it if you are at all interested in English cozy mysteries featuring a super hot vicar with PTSD (and maybe a small drinking problem) and his BFF policeman, who is played by Robson Green. It's lovely and melancholy and feels well-lived-in despite the small number of episodes. I enjoyed the secondary characters: the disapproving housekeeper, Mrs. Maguire; Leonard, the closeted curate who looks like Pee-wee Herman; Amanda, the lady that Sidney, the above-mentioned vicar, is in love with.

raven does a much better job selling it here, and the comments of her post led me here, to a post about "Grantchester's take on masculinity in post-WWII Britain." (Oh, yeah, the show's set in the early 1950s in the titular town of Grantchester.)
alethia also has some good posts about the show in her Grantchester tag.

It aired earlier this year on PBS in the US, and it's available on Amazon, though not for free.


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