i know i can count on you

Jun 14, 2015 10:55

Orphan Black
Mrs S singing! I didn't know (or knew and forgot) that Maria Doyle Kennedy was in "The Commitments" so when I saw the promo last week with her singing, I was like, OMG! AWESOME! And it was.

Otoh, I'm not sure how I feel about her mother being the original Castor/Leda donor. I kind of wanted her not to be related to Sarah et al, just because it's such a powerful thing for her to be the adoptive mother, but I guess since we also know the Castors are literally the Ledas' brothers, we're going all-in on blood family? Which meh. I'm not that into.

On the other, other hand, it does tie in with Helena and her desire to protect the family, especially the children. Helena taking down the Portuguese mob! And Donnie! Willing to put himself on the line for his family, and for Helena even though he doesn't really know her or want her around. But she's Alison's sister, so she's family and you protect family. Oh my gosh, so much love for this.

I'd seen speculation that Gracie was the mole, especially since it being Shay was too obvious, but oh my heart, I hope she's okay. I don't think she's going to make it out alive.

I was also pretty terrified for Felix for a while, but they can't kill Felix, can they?

Ugh, Cosima, you make the worst decisions. I understand going to Delphine with your suspicions, but you had to have some idea what she was going to do to Shay, and you had no proof! And it looks like next week she and Delphine are going to be together again and ugh, no. Cosima! You deserve so much better!

I was surprised we didn't get anything more on Rachel and Krystal, but I guess that's for the finale? I can't wait to see what happens.


I'm supposed to be writing my remix but instead I'm...writing something else? I don't even know.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/755749.html.
people have commented there.

tv: orphan black

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