But these days we don't know how to march

Jun 01, 2015 13:50

I had to take a second Benadryl to finally sleep last night, so of course I slept through my alarm and was an hour late to work. Bah. And it's chilly and pouring out. Not how June usually starts.

While I was busy not sleeping, I was thinking about what to request for yuletide. It's early, but I don't want to forget anything! I think I have three solid requests: Raven Cycle, iZombie, Pitch Perfect, and then a couple of strong possibilities: Jane the Virgin, The Middleman. Maybe I'll actually ask for the Arm of the Starfish AU where Joshua lives. *hands* Hopefully I'll remember this in October when the time comes.

Last night I also started a Leverage rewatch. Babies! And I enjoyed this week's Orphan Black, though my embarrassment squick was hit a few times. That's always the case with Alison-heavy episodes, though.

I posted a story yesterday, so here's the May 2015 monthly writing roundup:

know your devils and your deeds (at AO3)
Avengers; Steve/Natasha (Natasha/Bruce, Steve/Peggy, Steve/Bucky); pg; 1730 words
Natasha's gotten used to living with the choices she makes.

Scapulimancy (at AO3)
The Raven Cycle; Adam/Ronan; pg; 2,645 words
Scapulimancy is the practice of divination by use of scapulae (shoulder blades).

Kept and Keeping (at AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Natasha; adult; 1,285 words
It's sort of hilarious that the one time Steve never questions an order is during sex.
Contains: mild D/s (femdom), Steve on a leash, and a little bit of praise kink.

Plus 13 tumblr ask box ficlets.

Wow, I haven't written that much in a while. But something about AoU really made me want Steve/Natasha.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/752927.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, tv: orphan black, tv: leverage, yuletide, my life so hard

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