I've got gasoline in my veins

May 13, 2015 16:37

What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
Heirs of Grace by Tim Pratt, which is a quick fun read about a woman who inherits a house and a lot more than she bargained for along with it. I really liked how sensible and genre-savvy Bekah was.

The Crown of Ptolemy by Rick Riordan, which is another short story featuring Sadie and Carter Kane teaming up with Percy and Annabeth to fight Setne. I enjoyed it, mostly because I love Percy and I like crossovers.

Gullstruck Island aka The Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge. What an amazingly brilliant and inventive book. I just finished it at lunch so I'm still processing it, so here's a review that explains why it was so amazing.

What I'm reading now / what I'm reading next
I'll pick something that's on the iPad on my commute home or maybe I won't read tonight and just keep thinking about Hathin from Gullstruck Island instead.


The Flash: Rogue Air
I wanted to like this episode way more than I actually did. I mean, I am generally not an enemies slash kinda gal, but I really want Barry and Snart to make out every time they're on screen together. Wentworth Miller is AMAZING with everything they give him. but I don't understand why he was even in the story? Like, I'm glad Joe at least is now on record as not approving of the Pipeline as a black box prison, but couldn't they have just knocked each metahuman out and had Barry carry them to the airfield one at a time once the plane landed? I mean, what would it have taken? Two minutes in total? What was Snart's place in this plan? The only thing he contributed was a sister with a truck driver's license, the inevitable betrayal everyone but Barry saw coming, and copious amounts of snark.

Also, why was that fight with Wells stuffed into this episode? Aside from the ring/costume thing, which was cool, why was that not left for the finale? Did Wells let them take him? Is that what happened?

I liked that Iris got to be useful, though I wanted to shake Eddie for giving up on her, even though I'm much happier with no love triangle. (I still don't understand why we couldn't have had Barry/Felicity for a little while.)

So while this episode had some cool stuff in it, I just didn't feel like it made any sense whatsoever.

iZombie: Patriot Brains
HOLY SHIT LOWELL! Oh honey, you were just too pretty for this world. I was genuinely shocked at what happened, even though I knew Liv wasn't going to be able to take the shot. Unlike Major, who unloaded three slugs into Julien's chest! Holy crap, Major! And Babineaux thinks he's off his meds? interesting. Maybe it's time to bring Major and Clive into the knows-about-zombies club.

I thought the scene where Lowell breaks down about eating people was really well done. I think his reaction was one a lot of people would have had - don't think too closely about it, you're just trying to survive - until it's shoved in your face about what it is exactly that you're doing.

I'm so glad Ravi isn't a zombie.

WALLACE! I loved seeing him but I feel like it was kind of a wasted role? Not that Percy Daggs appears to be working much these days, unfortunately. But I'm always happy to see him. I think Francis Capra should show up too.

I really need an iZombie icon.


Game 7 tonight. I can't even think about it, tbh. I just really want the Rangers to win. Sigh.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books: frances hardinge, tv: the flash, books, tv: izombie

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