everybody here has seams and scars

May 09, 2015 14:36

= It was a lot chillier out this morning than I expected when I did my errands. I stopped off to have a pedicure and I was the only customer in the place. My toes are a bright coral now - actually a little brighter than I expected, tbh. I think next time I'll go for my more usual blue or teal or burgundy, but I've enjoyed the pinks and purples lately.

= So what a game last night, eh? I was honestly resigned to them losing, because my god, Holtby's been amazing, but then they scored! And then they scored in OT! I am not the most optimistic of fans to begin with (I think it comes from years and years of watching my teams lose even when victory seems assured), but the difference between last year and this year was that last year was an unexpected delight. I didn't think they'd come back against the Flyers, let alone the Penguins, whom they'd never beat in the playoffs before. And there was the whole emotional thing with MSL's mother, which believe me, resonated strongly with me.

Whereas this year, the Rangers were really good in the regular season! They didn't struggle to get into the playoffs! They kept winning even without Lundqvist! So of course I expect them to go to the finals, to win, even, and finally get Lundqvist's name on the Cup. I don't want him to be Patrick Ewing or Charles Barkley. I want him to get his ring, because he's a fantastic goalie and deserves a team that can get him there. Whether this team is it, I don't know. I think if they can win tomorrow and bring it back to MSG for game 7, then there's definitely hope. But tomorrow's game is going to be intense. Because the Caps have what the Rangers had last year - contributions from people who aren't their superstars. Ovechkin has kind of been a non-factor the past couple of games, but they're getting scoring from other people (I mean, Glencross? Really?) and Holtby's playing out of his mind. But the Rangers aren't getting that the way they have in the past, and MSL isn't what he used to be, I don't know what Yandle's deal is, Kreider's made some dumbass plays, etc. (I don't blame Nash - I think Nash is playing tremendously but he's just been super unlucky with the puck, which is a thing that happens. Hockey is a weird, weird game.) Anyway. Let's go Rangers! #because it's the Cup

= Don't forget that Remix signups are open for another week! You still have time to write more stories in your chosen fandoms!

= I'm so happy to see more people on my flist reading The Raven Cycle. I keep trying to convince
angelgazing to read it and she's like, "not until it's finished!" but I'm like, "But then I can't rage at you when people mis-sort Ronan!" And she laughs.

but real talk, Ronan Lynch is not a Hufflepuff! Matthew Lynch, yes. Noah? Totally a Hufflepuff. Adam is Slytherin, Gansey is Ravenclaw, and Blue is Gryffindor. AS IS RONAN. RONAN IS TOTALLY A GRYFFINDOR. I WILL FIGHT YOU.

Whew, I feel better getting that out.

Now back to trying to make him and Adam kiss. *g*

(eta: there are spoilers for the books in the comments!)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/747873.html.
people have commented there.

books: raven cycle, sports, because it's the cup, sorting is srs bzns, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, writing is hard!, makeup

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