i teach my mouth words like sunshine, cupcake

Apr 12, 2015 20:58

Today's poem:

Other Bodies

I relearn how to press my body
against other bodies. My slick flesh
like scales, like fish tail, hums across
men's spines during autumn afternoons.

I teach my mouth words like sunshine,
cupcake. The mouth, once a fist,
now can't help but smile when it wags
out these glittery promises.

My legs remember how to braid
themselves in with other legs,
hairy and sometimes freckled,
that like the gloss of my calves.

~Jenny Sadre-Orafai


I feel like I spent most of today washing dishes. I made popcorn last night and had to wash out the pot (yes, I make it on the stovetop - it tastes better that way) and then the bowl when it was done. Then I made this deep dish raspberry pancake (pic) for breakfast for the week (I only had raspberries and one nearly overripe banana). It smelled great and tasted good too, though next time I might use less fruit. Then I washed up after it.

When that was cooled off and parceled out into slices, I wiped down my cast iron skillet and made honey lemon chicken with angel hair pasta (pic), which also required using the pot I'd made popcorn in, plus other items that then had to be washed. The dish is good, though. I think it doesn't even need the chicken, honestly. You could probably simmer the sauce in a small saucepan for a few minutes and then toss the pasta back in the big pot. I think maybe next time slightly less honey and a little more salt, but other than that, it was delicious. And there's enough for at least one more meal.

I also watched the first two episodes of Daredevil. I'm not sure I can say I've enjoyed it? But I think it's well done, and probably the closest thing we'll see to a real Batman show on television - even more so than Arrow, which is basically cribbing all its beats from Batman, but which doesn't quite capture... hmm... I like Arrow a lot - last season it was my favorite show on tv - but I feel like it doesn't really use Starling City (or Vancouver, such as it is) as a real character in the stories the way Batman comics use Gotham, and even in two episodes, I feel like the Hell's Kitchen of Daredevil is already starting to be a character in its own right, despite not quite matching up with the reality of that neighborhood. (Also, wow, I thought they kept the damage east of Madison in Avengers - to have that much damage all the way over on 9th and 10th Avenues is pretty terrible.)

Anyway! Content warnings: It opens with a scene of child harm, which is the origin story. There are so many daddy issues! And yes, there is violence against women used as shorthand for very bad men, and it could already be doing better with race, and I hope it does improve on all those counts. It's also very slow and talky in the way of a show that is paced with no commercial breaks. Also, someone on my flist linked to Film Critic Hulk, who called the show the most East Coast Catholic tv show ever, which would not be wrong, but the fight scenes are excellent and Rosario Dawson is great. I hope she shows up some more. I may already be shipping it. *cough* I'll probably watch some more anyway, even if not all at once, since it is kind of grimdark viewing, but in a somewhat compelling way. I like the guy who's playing Matt and I'd like to see more of him. (Note: I haven't read any Daredevil comics, though I've seen him show up occasionally in other books, so I have no real mental conception of him, except as some sort of sad, grownup Spider-man, or, to be more economical with words, Batman.)


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national poetry month 2015, poetry, tv: daredevil, adventures in cooking

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