fic: This Town Is a Song About You (Captain America; Steve/Bucky; pg)

Apr 09, 2015 12:47

Fic! Too big for LJ, so you can read it at DW or AO3:

This Town Is a Song About You (at AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Bucky, Rikki Barnes; pg; 12,400 words
But sometimes, when his bed feels too big and too empty, Steve wishes for someone. (If that someone happens to be named Bucky Barnes, well, at least he's consistent.)

The Steve/Bucky Gilmore Girls AU nobody but me was asking for, with highly fictionalized Port Jefferson filling in for Stars Hollow. Title from Dar Williams. Thanks to Nichole & Snacky for looking it over.


fic: captain america, rikki barnes, steve/bucky, steve rogers, fic: avengers movieverse, bucky barnes

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