Every time I need him, he always got my back

Mar 28, 2015 22:41

About three hours ago I decided I wanted to finally upload all my dogdaysofsummer stories to AO3 (I've been nostalgic for them lately; I can't believe that was ten years ago!), and I was checking to make sure I hadn't already done some of them, and noticed a whole bunch of other R/S stories I hadn't uploaded, and here we are three hours later and I have uploaded ( Read more... )

on archiving

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viridian5 March 29 2015, 03:11:37 UTC
I really miss being prolific.


musesfool March 29 2015, 03:33:42 UTC
Me, too.


viridian5 March 30 2015, 03:27:46 UTC
I wrote a lot more when I was part of an organized fandom community, which I haven't been in since due South in the late 90s/early 2000s.


musesfool March 30 2015, 17:37:34 UTC
Yeah, having an active community, or even just a handful of friends squeeing about the same fandom, is really helpful for me, too.


viridian5 March 30 2015, 20:36:42 UTC
These days my friends keep moving on to new fandoms too fast! Plus, I'm not feeling inspired to write in the Marvel movie-verse.


musesfool March 31 2015, 19:30:56 UTC
Or they pick fandoms where I don't ship the main fannish pairing (Teen Wolf).


viridian5 March 31 2015, 23:55:10 UTC
Yeah, it can be rough not having the same enthusiasm levels for certain aspects of the fandom as one's friends.


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