I don't know why I'm so muddle-headed today - I got a pretty good night's sleep. But I can't seem to focus on anything without getting distracted or zoning out. I'm also really, really sick of it being cold out. I want spring, dammit. Or at least temperatures over 50 all the time. I don't think that's too much to ask!
Last night, I made pastina for dinner. Mmm...so good. And then I watched TV.
The Flash: Rogue Time
I knew they were going to roll back everything from last week, but this mostly felt anticlimactic. Time travel! What are you gonna do?!
But god, Wentworth Miller is killing it as Captain Cold. I am not generally an enemies shipper (unless the bad guy is a lady) but holy crap, Snart and Barry need to make out ASAP. That final scene with them was AMAZING. I'm not sure how Miller is pulling it off without camping it up completely, but kudos to him for managing it. And I love how comic-booky it was.
And thanks to Caitlin for giving Barry an out for his terrible behavior with Iris. Ugh, Barry, Iris is right - you can't put your feelings on her (even though she told you IN ANOTHER TIMELINE that she returned those feelings).
Hopefully, with Mason Bridge dead, Iris will start investigating, because they need to give her something to do! I don't understand why the writing for her is so terrible! Especially when they pulled out a second variation on the Wells-Cisco "son" scene that worked really well.
Plus, next week MARK HAMILL AS TRICKSTER. Should be epic.
iZombie: Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?
I also really like Liv, Ravi, and Babbineaux. The rest of the cast are meh (the roommate, the Duncan) but hopefully we'll get a Mac or a Weevil soon.
In other TV news, yes, I'm excited about the new X-Files miniseries. I was never in the fandom online, because I knew a ton of people in person who watched it so I had people to talk to about it, but SCULLY. SHE IS THE BEST NO LIE. I'm hoping they can get some good creepy MOTW scripts and just have a lot of fun. I recall enjoying the movies, but I couldn't tell you anything about them except Mulder and Scully are FINALLY TOGETHER and that's basically all my MSR shippy heart needs. #i do it all for you mulder
And since it's Wednesday, the reading meme:
What I just finished
As I mentioned previously, I tore through all three books of the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater last week, and have been rereading them more slowly. My initial impression that they are totally the Marauders + Lily was correct in the most basic and yet satisfying ways (and it's certainly giving my Sirius icon a workout *g*), and I came out of the experience shipping Blue/Gansey and Adam/Ronan, as I believe I'm supposed to. I think Blue and Ronan are my favorites, which is probably not unexpected. I keep trying to cast the kids in my head, but everyone I think of probably shouldn't be playing high school kids anymore (e.g., Grant Gustin for Gansey, Zach Gilford for Adam) and I haven't really sought out the fandom on tumblr. (nb: I seek out nothing on tumblr - the safest way to enjoy tumblr, imo, is with a neatly curated dash, a robust blacklist, and the total avoidance of going into tags.) And I'm not particularly familiar with actors who'd be in the right age group. *is old*
I also really love Maura and the psychics at 300 Fox Way.
What I'm reading now
Still rereading The Dream Thieves.
What I'm reading next
And I will follow that up with a reread of Blue Lily, Lily Blue. *hands* After that, I cannot say.
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