'Cause I don't want to be nobody else

Mar 21, 2015 11:52

Last night, L. and I went to see RuPaul at the NYPL. He was delightful - charming and hilarious and smart. He talked some about the toxicity of hyper-masculinity in the US, and how gender is performative, and about the importance of finding like-minded people, of knowing that even if you don't fit in where you are, you'll fit in somewhere, and about how being kind is the most important thing people can be. It was a lot of fun.

The snowstorm, otoh, was less so. It was too warm to actually accumulate, but what that meant was that every surface was covered with a layer of slush, and it made it really hard to walk around without slip-sliding everywhere.

In other news,
angelgazing and I think someone should make a Steve/Bucky vid to Elle King's America's Sweetheart. You know you want to!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/734994.html.
people have commented there.

life, youtube, otp: not without you, museums, you should totally write that

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