and i meant every word i said

Mar 18, 2015 12:40


The Flash: Out of Time
HOLY CRAP WHAT AN EPISODE. Wow, wow, so Wells DID kill Nora Allen. I did not think they were going to put that on him, but he is a bad guy and he just wants to get home. His justifying himself to Cisco even as he's regretful about killing him! Holy crap, what a great scene!

AND THEN IT IS ALL UNDONE BECAUSE TIME TRAVEL. And the thing is, when Barry saw himself early in the episode I was like, "Oh, it's Future!Barry!" but I thought it was, you know, actual!future!Barry, not one-day-later!Barry. So this saves Cisco (yay!) and maybe Joe from being kidnapped, but Barry still knows about Iris's feelings even though she now no longer knows he's the Flash (boo!).

Good lord, the writing for Barry/Iris is terrible. SWEET JEBUS ON A POGO STICK SAVE THE CITY BEFORE YOU MAKE OUT. I was so hopeful that she was actually going to investigate Wells and Stagg and figure out what happened and that Barry is the Flash, but no! Once again, her entire character is subsumed by Barry's relationship drama and Joe's stupid overprotectiveness. Ugh. GIVE THE GIRL SOMETHING TO DO SHOW. And having her on the outside just makes her less relevant to everything except as a girl hostage, and she does not deserve that fate. Everything is SO MUCH BETTER when the heroes friends and family know the truth! Also, cheating on Linda and Eddie is gross. Don't do it!

Aw, Captain Singh! And his unnamed fiance! I thought that was really well done.

I'm not actually sure the weather wizard plot makes sense (why didn't Joe send BARRY after him and go to protect Iris himself?), but I don't much care. Wells revealing he can walk to Caitlin! Wells revealing he's Eobard Thawne! Wells vibrating Cisco to death! (for once, I take no joy in cursing Vibe's dopeness!) Possibly it is his superhero origin story! Somehow! Vibrating through the timeline! Barry revealing he's the Flash to Iris! Please let her know now that she knows, Barry! (also, please don't make out with her before 1. you save the city, and 2. the two of you break up with your current partners.)

iZombie: Pilot
Aside from the dumbass title and terrible ads, this was a really fun show. Veronica Mars + Pushing Daisies. The basic premise is that medical resident Liv Moore (get it?) goes to a party that is attacked by zombies and gets turned into one herself. Her whole perfect life falls apart, and instead of being a surgeon she's now working in the morgue, where she can eat brains without anyone getting suspicious. And eating brains gives her visions of how the corpses die, so she can help the police investigate! She's a fake-psychic zombie detective! Plus, her boss is South Asian and the detective she's helping out is African-American (and his boss is Japanese-American) and so far there is not a Logan Echolls in sight though I guess that could be Sark, I mean, David Anders, though her ex-boyfriend definitely already has a Duncan Kane thing going for him (or not, as the case may be).

Anyway, despite employing the terrible Eastern European immigrants as prostitutes trope and the fact that I kept imagining Kristen Bell as Liv, I enjoyed it a lot. If you liked Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, or Reaper, you'll probably enjoy this.

I also watched this week's Jane the Virgin (my god, all my tv watching is on the CW now), but I don't really have anything to say about it.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
I returned A Brief History of Seven Killings to the library unfinished - it was just making me sad with all the violence. I did finish Migration and Regeneration, the second and third books of the Species Imperative series by Julie Czerneda. I enjoyed it, though I never really did bond with Mac, the main character. And sometimes I was confused by the conclusions she and other characters came to, which could be a result of my not reading closely enough (it happens) but also could have been that the conclusions weren't quite warranted given the evidence at hand at the time. *hands*

What I did like a lot was how people who started out being antagonistic towards Mac or just obstacles in her way ended up being fleshed out and given a role in the story other than just being the designated antagonist. That's something more stories could stand to do.

What I'm reading now
I just started The Raven Boys on the train this morning, since my dash and flist have been aflutter about it for a while. I'm not very far in, and it's possible nostalgia is making me think this, but so far all I've got is Adam=Remus and Ronan=Sirius. Which I guess makes Gansey, James. We'll see if my off-the-cuff comparisons at 15% into the book hold up in the long run.

What I'm reading next
If I like The Raven Boys, I imagine I'll read the next two books in the series, though apparently the last book doesn't come out until later this year. Sigh. Stupid works in progress.


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