it's good, i feel alive

Mar 16, 2015 11:40

Last night, I had the worst night's sleep I've had in a while. I had to eventually take a SECOND BENADRYL because the first one didn't knock me out. Sigh. My life, so hard.

I wrote two stories this weekend! excluding yuletide, it's been a long time since that's happened!

First was:

Taste, Memory (at AO3)
Captain America; Steve, Bucky; g; 1,025 words
Steve's ma wasn't much of a baker, but she had two specialties: hot cross buns on Good Friday, and apple cake for Steve's birthday.

Which was meant for Pi Day but ended up being about cake instead. *hands*

And then yesterday, I posted some Sirius/Remus fix-it fic for
laurificus's birthday:

All Roads Lead Me Back to You (at AO3)
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; AU; pg; 3,300 words
Six ways it could have ended less tragically.

It's so weird revisiting a fandom I used to know like the back of my hand but because it's been so long, I had to keep looking stuff up. I had to revisit the horror of the fight at the Department of Mysteries. I will never be over that goddamn curtain. Ever.

So that was fun, in the way that writing when every word was an uphill battle is fun. Sigh.

I also watched Big Hero 6 Saturday night and enjoyed it. So this adorable Bucky & Baymax fanart was timed perfectly. Someone should totally write that story.

And last night, after the Rangers won (again! I hope they are not peaking too early), I watched my Sunday night shows:

Brooklyn Nine Nine: Sabotage
Look, someone had to make a Beasties reference, since they didn't actually do it on the show (though I bet you could make an excellent B99 vid to "Sabotage"), but I thought the episode was kind of all over the place. I would have rather watched Amy and Rosa work the case than see the whole kidnapping thing for that long, though there were some funny lines. And while I don't get why people hurting Gina's feelings have to bend over backwards to atone when she is so terrible to everyone else, but it did lead to "I'm not a bunny-buying coward!" so there's that. And we already kind of knew Hitchcock and Scully weren't completely useless when they found the secret bathroom, but I totally get that they just want to coast to retirement now. (I feel like there could be a hilarious Zeppo-like episode of them getting into terrible trouble when they're two weeks from retirement or something, but then I think maybe it'd be better as a background gag, like Abed delivering a baby while other stuff went on in the foreground. And also we'd have to spend less time with them that way.)

I did enjoy the final payoff of Peralta demanding Holt acquiesce to his desire to play out the badge and gun scene as per the movies, though.

The Good Wife: Open Source
Well, that was kind of a mess of an episode. I wish we'd gotten to see more of the Lockhart/McVeigh marriage before they introduced stormy weather into it, and did Cary even speak except for exposition? On the other hand, GET IT DIANE.

Also, the whole thing with Canning - he's trying to dispose of $18 million while he's high on post-surgery meds so WHERE THE FUCK WAS HIS WIFE? Could they not afford to bring her back for a brief scene?

I've come to the point where I mostly don't care about the election and for the sake of the show, I hope Alicia loses, and then she has to go back to Florrick/Agos and reintegrate into the firm that was moving on without her. Then again, Diane, Cary, and Kalinda have not really been served all that well by the show now that Cary's arrest drama has concluded, so when Kalinda leaves, maybe the show will make Cary and Diane recurring too, and we'll go to the SA's office and get more time with Geneva Pine and Matan? Idek and I don't care that much, which is a shame, because when this show is working, it really works. I think it should have ended with Alicia deciding to run, and instead we have this, and I have no idea what their plan is.

I also made another pot of French onion soup, though this time I had to use chicken broth (which the internet assures me is okay, and also my mouth did as well - it was delicious) since the two cartons of beef broth I bought on sale (2/$5!) Friday night both had broken freshness seals when I opened them. I mean, it was probably an overreaction to dump them out? But shit that's supposed to be sealed should stay sealed! It freaks me out otherwise. (And now I'm thinking of Cordelia: "People, you've gotta leave your tombs earthed!")

And that was my exciting weekend. So now you know.


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crossovers that should exist, tv: the good wife, my life so hard, adventures in cooking, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, movies, you should totally write that, writing is hard!

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