you got me where you want me, i surrender

Dec 23, 2014 11:23

I meant to write at least one treat last night (I love all three ideas, but I don't foresee being able to write all three given the time constraints and all the offline stuff I need to do), but I ended up in bed by 9 pm. And I slept through without waking until 6 am, so clearly it was the right decision, but I'm going to be a little sad if this is the first year since 2008 that I don't write at least one treat.

But right now my writing brain is occupied with getting this work-writing done, and it is sucking out all my energy. Sentences like: In accordance with the Nonprofit Revitalization Act, the revised policy includes procedures for disclosing, addressing, and documenting 'related party transactions' [definition of 'related party tranactions'] etc. But this has to be done today, so...what am I gonna do?

In more cheerful news, I tend to take or leave showrunner/creator interviews as they suit my needs re: canon, but I was happy to see both Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino talk about the Korra finale (note: if you mouseover, the major spoiler is in both links). I like that they didn't weasel around it, though I still wish it could have been completely analogous to the last moments of AtLA (though I like that one of them at least admits that that felt forced, because it did), if only to shut up the people who continue to insist it was ambiguous.

Now on to today's posting meme topic:

December 23: tsuki_no_bara asked, how/when did you get into comics? what was your gateway comic, as it were?

Technically, I would say Sandman, which I read in, like, 2000, and then followed up with reading Lucifer in trade as it was released, and Y: The Last Man, and for a long time, Fables, until my interest in the canon disappeared.

And that was basically it for me and comics for a while. I had never read a realio-trulio superhero comic (though I did once receive an X-Men TPB as a gift when I was in XMM fandom, and as I've mentioned, I swore never to read an X-Men comic, because I was writing in the movieverse, and I never read any during my brief time in Smallville fandom either; funnily enough, if you look at it that way, both Marvel and DC were already in my fannish kitchen from the beginning - I think a lot of people went SV->JL/JLU->actual comics at that time, but I went to HP fandom and stayed there for three years), and I was okay with that.

And then in the summer of 2010,
tripoli asked for a non-comics reader to beta her guide to Under the Red Hood, which was relevant to my interests since Jensen Ackles was voicing the main character, Jason Todd.

So I was bored one night and I says to myself, says I, hey that Batman movie with Jensen Ackles is available for download, and
tripoli's post was so interesting! I should watch it.

A++ decision-making, past-me. Stupid tragic Robins and their stupid deaths and resurrections. My heart broke for Jason and I wanted to KNOW MORE, and there was ample animated DC material (though none featuring Jason, but that was okay, because in addition to loving him, I also fell in love with DICK. um, Grayson. As you do.), so I did not need to resort to reading comics just yet, but then
devildoll sent me the trade paperback that the movie was based on, and I read that and I was like, "Okay, this is great, but I don't have the time, money, or energy to get involved in the tangled skein that is comics canon" (THEY'LL ONLY BREAK YOUR HEART) so I marathoned my way through BTAS, Batman Beyond (which I loved more than I expected to), and JL/JLU and the animated Teen Titans (which is really very good, don't let anyone tell you different), and then I saw an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold that featured Jaime Reyes as the Blue Beetle, and I was like, "hey, tell me more about this kid, he's kind of awesome!"

Which lead to my tearing through Blue Beetle volume 3, since it was only, like, 36 issues. And I loved it and wanted more! So I acquired Gotham Central, Birds of Prey, Nightwing, and various Batman and Wonder Woman arcs, and I read the Steph Batgirl as it came out, and then the reboot happened and...yeah. That basically killed my interest in reading new DC comics, because they changed or eliminated SO MANY of the things I loved! I mean, there's still a ton of older stuff I want to read/acquire (Brubaker's Catwoman, Ostrander's Suicide Squad and Simone's Secret Six), but I basically gave up on new things from DC at that point (at least, in print; their animated and live action TV shows are highly enjoyable).

Luckily, in July 2011, I watched Captain America: The First Avenger, and when it was over, I came to DW and I said, "TELL ME MORE ABOUT STEVE AND BUCKY" and it turned out there was a shit-ton of Marvel comics for me to read. And because I'd just had the experience of picking up comics and getting into them regardless of the mess that comics canon is, I felt confident that I could do the same with Captain America that I'd done with the Batfamily. And I did.



#forever crying over robins dot tumblr dot com


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