and knowing we are not alone in fear

Dec 21, 2014 10:37

I did not manage a nap yesterday, but I did beta 5 different yuletide stories AND revise mine to a state where I'm like 95% happy with it, PLUS I started a treat and scouted out a possible second treat, so I feel good about that. I hope my recipient likes it!

Today's December talking meme post is about writing, too, so let's just segue into that:

December 21: flaming_muse asked, Is there a story you'd like to write but can't, for whatever reason? Tell us about it!

Ahahaha, right now it's all of them!

But no, aside from the 5000 words of the MCU/DCU crossover that even with help I can't seem to finish because plot, I would really like to write the Veronica Mars/DCU crossover where Veronica, on the trail of what turns out to be a serial killer, comes to Gotham because she begins to suspect Bruce Wayne is her guy (he has the same taste in women, apparently), and Batman is just like, ugh, tiny blonde detective go away! And he sends Dick out to distract her (...yes, exactly like that) because he's so close to finding out who the killer is! But the story requires a killer and a plot smart enough to keep both Bruce Wayne and Veronica Mars guessing for a while and I am not that smart or that good at mystery plots. So it remains unwritten, but glorious in my head. I probably should just find a good serial killer movie and steal the plot from that. *hands*

Writing is hard!


So yesterday I sat down and watched the final *sob* three episodes of Legend of Korra. Outside the cut, I will say that I liked the first two seasons more than a lot of people did, though they're definitely flawed, but if you stopped watching then, please do yourself a favor and check out seasons 3 and 4, because they are simply MARVELOUS. I mean, some things were still rushed and some things never got quite the nuance I was hoping for, but overall, I would rate them very highly indeed, up there with AtLA season 3, which is the second best season, because nothing will ever match the heights of AtLA season 2. The Ba Sing Se arc is among the best arcs of television I've ever watched, but really, the whole season from "The Blind Bandit" through "Crossroads of Destiny" is brilliant.



I know some people felt it wasn't set up enough, but given how terrible most of the romances on the show have been, I'm perfectly happy to accept Korra and Asami as friends who have discovered romantic/sexual feelings for each other and are going off to explore those without distractions in the way.

I admit, I'd forgotten to add Korra to tumblr savior and I saw a couple of things that made me think they'd really done it, but it's Tumblr, you know? They could have been constructed reality gif sets or fanart or whatever, and since I wasn't looking too closely so as not to be spoiled, I didn't really know. And then there was that moment with Mako and I was like, dear god, no! He is so much more likable when he's not anyone's romantic interest and playing the straight man to everyone else. And then they didn't! That was such a lovely declaration of FRIENDSHIP. HE'LL ALWAYS HAVE HER BACK. Oh heart.

And then Korra gets her moment with Tenzin, and I cried. Basically I cried through most of it, but especially then. And then Asami - looking SO BEAUTIFUL in her wedding guest finery - sends him away so she and Korra can have their moment, and ugh. I CRIED SOME MORE. THEY ACTUALLY MADE THEM CANON. I wish there'd been a kiss (much like I wish AtLA had NOT ended with a kiss), but they walk off together, hand-in-hand, and then stare into each other's eyes as they enter the spirit world. OH MY HEART.

I also really loved how it was a huge team effort to bring down Kuvira and her Platinum Tyrant (I think that is what I would call her jaeger) (though Ikki and Jinora could have had more to do), and I liked how they had Bataar Jr. playing the girlfriend role (and also, "people are complicated, sweetie," from Su. Oh YES THEY ARE, and shockingly, WOMEN ARE PEOPLE TOO.) and I really really loved not just the fight scenes - I kept waiting for Korra to waterbend, because not only is waterbending my favorite bending, but it seems like it's really powerful, but she defaults to air and fire all the time (and I did love the earth and metal bending that went on in these episodes) and doesn't take advantage of water. AND THEN SHE DID. And I REALLY LOVED that Korra - the punchy-fighty aggressive avatar eventually beat her opponent through talking and being compassionate. I mean, there was a ton of fighty-fighty before that, but there's no way s1 Korra walks out of that confrontation with Kuvira the winner. Oh, Korra, you are my forever girl! ♥♥♥ I love her so much!

I also love how it's true that she and Aang should have lived in each other's times, based on personality/temperament, because Korra would have had no problem whatsoever killing Ozai, and Aang would have known how to handle Kuvira diplomatically, but the fact that they had to solve each other's problems (kind of) really works on a storytelling level, I think. You don't always get the perfect nemesis for your skillset, you know?

And I was SO PLEASED when Wu said he'd abdicate in favor of democracy. He had a nice arc, but I still didn't want him to be king, and in the end, neither did he.

I loved that we got the Beifongs and the Fire Ferrets and the Airfamily all working together, and I loved how they played Hiroshi Sato's sacrifice, that slow motion ejection of Asami and her FACE when she realizes what's happening. Oh honey. Korra will comfort you.


So some people might consider that full of fan service, but if so, it was fan service done right for this fangirl! And the future is wide open for many more adventures, even though the creators have said they're done with the Avatar universe.

(Funnily enough, after all the Clone Wars watching I've been doing - I've finished the series and kind of want to just start rewatching it right away, and I'll be posting a lot of thoughts, because, well, I'm very impressed with what they managed to do on that show (they made me feel really bad for Anakin! Even though he is the king of bad decisions! I don't know what to do with these emotions!) - but anyway, in the Korra opening, when Tenzin is like, "Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world," I keep thinking he's going to say "bring balance to the Force" now. And that just makes me want a Star Wars/AtLA crossover somehow. Not just because Iroh needs to talk some sense into Anakin AND the Jedi Council, but just because now I'm thinking about the avatar world and benders as people who connect with the Spirit World (in essence, the Force) differently from the Jedi and how they'd respond to that. Like, with the avatar world being off-limits until they have spacefaring technology of their own, but then joining the Republic and how the Jedi would dismiss the Avatar because they don't use the Force in the approved Jedi way [not even the Air Nomads anymore, who would be closest, pre-genocide, to the Jedi way of life], but they're not - Unalaq aside - using the dark side. Someone should totally write this for me.)


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tv: avatar: the legend of korra, memes: 31 days of december, you should totally write that, tv: star wars: the clone wars, writing is hard!

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