i get this feeling i'm in motion

Dec 10, 2014 14:00

This morning, I had to be here at 8 am to sign for a breakfast at a meeting I wasn't going to be attending. In the end, I did get a bagel for lunch and one for dinner, so I guess it worked out, but I'm tired. Cutting an hour off my sleep is never pleasant, and I can't go to bed early tonight as I have to bake mini cheesecakes for our office holiday ( Read more... )

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: the flash, memes: 31 days of december, tv: star wars: the clone wars, my life so hard, fannishness

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Comments 17

thistlerose December 10 2014, 20:00:02 UTC
I can remember the first time I saw most movies, but not Star Wars. I honestly can not remember a time when I did not want to be Princess Leia. Hell, when I ride my bike through the woods I still sometimes pretend I'm her on her speeder on Endor.


musesfool December 10 2014, 20:57:27 UTC
Yeah, she looms pretty large in my mind, too, though I remember a lot of details from the first time I saw the first movie, mostly because it was the first time I saw a movie with people other than my parents, and it was SO FORMATIVE.


vonniek December 11 2014, 00:04:29 UTC
Poor Barry. I spent most of the episode making sad faces at screen and sigh, "Oh, honey." When he wept in Iron Heights in front of his dad, oh man. And Joe's "I need my Barry Allen." *sniffles ( ... )


musesfool December 11 2014, 17:13:27 UTC
Barry needs to get so many hugs! And the good part is, he's actually surrounded by people who will hug him! And he will let them! That gives him a huge leg up on almost every other superhero.

I am so fucking confused about what is going on with Wells seriously.

Yeah. I enjoy the random comics speculation but I have no idea what they're really planning. I'm happy to let them play this out and try to make it make sense. We'll see if they can manage it.


viridian5 December 11 2014, 10:32:45 UTC
The prequels really made me feel that the Jedi were inflexible dumbasses who deserved to be overthrown. (Ditto the Republic of the time.) They really seemed to think that keeping Anakin's mother in her hellish slavery when they could have bought or freed her would work out fine because as a Jedi Anakin should be done with emotions and with family. Our good guys, ladies and gentlemen.

Seeing the Flash/Arrow crossover in Arrow made me want Barry to show up to talk down every overly angsty superhero and have slash vibes with the male ones.


musesfool December 11 2014, 17:15:11 UTC
Yes! Barry could dispatch hugs! Especially since there's no Superman or Dick Grayson (yet?) to do it!

They really seemed to think that keeping Anakin's mother in her hellish slavery when they could have bought or freed her would work out fine because as a Jedi Anakin should be done with emotions and with family.

Holy crap I totally forgot about that! I admit my memory of the prequels is limited to a few scenes from the later movies (and Liam Neeson). I suppose I could manage a rewatch of the latter two, with my hand on the FF button. But yes, it does make Anakin more sympathetic than originally expected.


viridian5 December 11 2014, 23:18:27 UTC
Lots of hugs!

Anakin's mother died horribly, and his slaughter of an entire tribe of Sand People in revenge for it was one of his major first steps to the Dark Side. None of that needed to happen.

I couldn't believe the ending of the Obi-Wan/Anakin fight in #3, on Obi-Wan's side. Yeah, your partner went horribly, murderous wrong, but you don't do that to someone if you're a good guy and if you don't want to take the chance of him coming back at you later even angrier and more unhinged you don't leave him the way Obi-Wan did.


musesfool December 12 2014, 15:58:15 UTC
Yeah, I think Obi-Wan definitely made a lot of mistakes in how he handled Anakin and that was a major, definitive one.


tsuki_no_bara December 11 2014, 21:28:48 UTC
i too saw star wars in the theater at the ripe old age of seven! my dad took me and my sister and we got there just at the beginning of the scroll and had to sit in the second row. >.< (i am coming more and more to think that perhaps my dad is a closet geek. i swear he once told me that when he met my mom he had a batman sticker on the bumper of his car.) i only saw it twice, tho, and actually i think i imprinted harder on the empire strikes back. altho star wars (and to a lesser extent empire and raiders of the lost ark) is the reason i've had a crush on harrison ford literally almost my entire life. i very distinctly remember discussing "there is another" at school - i mean, EVERYONE saw those movies - but i was never fannish about it. but i saw star wars with my dad and my sister when i was seven and, y'know, there's always going to be a special place in my heart for it.


musesfool December 12 2014, 16:12:51 UTC
Oh my parents are/were definitely geeks - we watched a lot of Star Trek in my house growing up, and read a ton of fantasy novels. They weren't going to cons kind of fans, but I'm pretty sure we saw both Empire and RotJ on opening weekend (which was less of a thing to do then than it is now), and buying the movies when they finally came out on tape etc.


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