with all your faults, I love you still

Dec 08, 2014 11:22

I wrote a whole story yesterday:

what it is to be possible (@ AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; pg; 2,155 words
When a reporter shouts, "How long have you two been together?" Steve doesn't expect Bucky to shout back, "Since 1934."

I feel like I haven't done that in a while, and it felt good, even if it only happened because I couldn't sleep and was once again up at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning. I also forgot to bring the story I'm working on to work today, so I can't strike while the iron is hot. Sigh.

Last night, L's friends S&N took us to dinner, and I didn't get home until 10 pm, so I didn't watch Brooklyn 99, and I still haven't watched Thursday's Elementary, so I have TV to catch up on.

Mostly I've still been marathoning The Clone Wars, and oh, I have more thoughts, some of which I already mentioned on tumblr, like how Obi-Wan was clearly the ladies man of the two of them, and how much I enjoyed his bickery relationship with Satine(!!). I mean, I mostly enjoy his prissy bitchery with Anakin, but it also makes me sad, because he clearly has NO IDEA if what he's done (is doing) is enough for Anakin. And clearly it's not in some way, because for all Anakin's good intentions - and I do believe he has them - he can't modulate his emotions or find a balance between using them and giving into them. Of course, it doesn't help that Palpatine is subtly egging him on, either. Ugh, he skeeves me out so much. Palpatine, I mean.

And watching the episodes where Padme gets to do stuff - both political stuff and actiony stuff - makes me angry all over again at the stupid way she died. Not only does it rob her kids of a mother [though I could imagine you could write a great - sad - story of how she had to split them up and leave them anyway, in order to make the OT work (though I am with whoever it was on tumblr who suggested Ahsoka shows up on Alderaan to train Leia)], and us of the awesome stories of her adventures as a rebel leader on the run from Darth Vader, it also means there are no hilarious stories of Darth Vader: Romantic Failboat as he tries [and fails] to win her back, and also kills everyone who is mean to her. He's the only one allowed to stalk her, you fools! (I have to admit, this show is the final nail in the coffin of finding Darth Vader intimidating, after the prequels, I Harth Darth and Vader's Little Princess.)

Also, if you're a woman, not even being an evil Sith assassin can save you from being screwed over hard by men. Ventress, I wish you got your revenge (along with all the hate-boning I know you and Obi-Wan must have gotten up to). I was ready to pour one out for her during that fight between her and Dooku and Savage Opress [NAMES ARE NOT THEIR STRONG POINT OKAY], but she survived, and I was SO PLEASED. PLEASE DON'T DIE. I really enjoyed that little arc of episodes. Hell yes, evil night witches with their own magic and agenda!

So yes, I've been enjoying the show, even though it is sad to know what the ending will be. (Though god help me, I remember almost nothing of the prequels.)

Which leads kind of nicely into today's talking meme answer:

December 8:
lonelywalker asked me to talk about the media [I'm] looking forward to in 2015.

- Star Wars: The Force Awakens! PLEASE DON'T SUCK! But I have to admit, those shots of the Millennium Falcon in the teaser trailer made my secret 7 yo heart sing.

- AGENT CARTER. Ditto on the please don't suck! I know people have said SHIELD has improved (and they've certainly hired some much more interesting actors for this season) but I still don't much care for it, but I have high hopes for AGENT CARTER. PEGGY BEING A BADASS. I also love that Hayley Atwell shared Peggy's makeup secrets, so that I (and you) too can wear her perfect lipstick (Besame 1946 Red Velvet; I think I know what I want for Christmas now!). The funniest part is I was telling L about this last night and she was like, "Oh, I like their reds a lot" and she produced one from her purse. It was a very nice red with blue undertones, which is my favorite kind of red.

- Avengers: Age of Ultron. Let's be real, I would watch two hours of them hanging out with each other and playing with their action figures. Actually, that would probably make me a lot less anxious than whatever it is they're planning in this movie. My confidence in the PTB is never that high (no, not even after Winter Soldier was basically the movie OF MY HEART), and that one piece of casting news was a huge disappointment (I guess I can add Dr. Strange to the list of Marvel movies I have no interest in seeing, along with Ant-Man), and also because I'm still unhappy about RDJ being in Cap 3. If I don't get some quality Steve/Bucky time in that movie, I'm going to be so pissed. Can't RDJ fuck off to GotG or something? Ahem. But I am looking forward to getting the band back together again!

(I do like the TV casting - I hadn't thought of Mike Colter for Luke Cage, but that could totally work. He's really attractive on The Good Wife - and while I'd been hoping for a woman of color to play Jessica Jones, I think Krysten Ritter could be an interesting choice.)

I think those are the big three. *g* Disney apparently owns my soul now. Sigh.


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life, avengers assemble, tv: star wars: the clone wars, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: agent carter, darth vader: romantic failboat, memes: 31 days of december, makeup

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