but in my nights there are restless hours

Nov 15, 2014 14:49

Last night, I came home from work, and in the middle of changing out of my work clothes, i took a two hour nap. Gah, why is nap-sleep like that so much better than night-time sleep? It was SO GOOD. And then of course, I was up every two hours when I finally went to bed. But I did have a very detailed dream about Bucky breaking his programming before Steve got out of the ice, and Natasha helped him. And I thought about how lucky Bucky is, not just to have Steve (and Sam and Natasha) now, but to have had him previously, to have those memories of Steve, and of his family, and the Commandos, etc. Natasha had none of that. She had to make herself into a person without having had that core of personhood previously, with just the remains of what the Red Room made her. Gosh, I love her so much.


Phil Simms! Throwing knives! I know this was just CBS corporate synergy - and also probably because they film in NYC - but it made me laugh. Of course Joan is a Giants fan! And of course Sherlock cares nothing about American football and only about knife-throwing.

I'm enjoying the way the show is re-examining Joan and Sherlock's relationship, as well as his mentoring of Kitty, and also the way he interacts with others, like shirtless math guy.

That last scene at the rape survivors group - are we to infer that Joan has also been raped?

I must say, I covet Joan's new apartment.

Legend of Korra
Varrick builds an EMP! He and Bolin are hilarious and awesome together.

I know it's just trolling with the blush and all, but wouldn't it be nice if they made Korrasami canon? I would totally be on board for that.

It was nice to see Korra put some of her new knowledge to use, and I enjoyed seeing 3/4 of Team Avatar back together and in action. I also laughed a lot at Prince Wu. I hope he learns about just how awful life in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se was, though. I don't want him to end up as the Earth King, but I do want him to learn and grow as a person.

I am guessing Toph isn't going to take kindly to having the spirit tree cut down, but Kuvira does have a couple of advantages, and not just in numbers, so that should be an interesting fight.

This mid-season analysis has some interesting points about Kuvira as a parallel for Korra. I am very interested in seeing where all this is going.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/706199.html.
people have commented there.

tv: avatar: the legend of korra, black widow appreciation life, tv: elementary, dreams

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