It's easy for two people to lose each other

Nov 13, 2014 13:03

Okay, so I ate pizza and then fell asleep on the couch for a little bit before Arrow, so that may be why I thought this episode was kind of a mess.

On the one hand: BOXING GLOVE ARROW!!!! ♥♥♥

On the other hand, almost everything else:

1. Way to be a hypocritical dickhead, Oliver! Like you didn't kill tons of people in s1! (Not to mention in your five years away.) And him being a hypocrite would fine, if I didn't feel like the show wanted me to forget about all the people he's killed and consider this a righteous attitude for him to have.

2. While Laurel was somewhat improved here, and the "we used to date" line was pretty funny, does Laurel not understand the SECRET part of SECRET IDENTITY?

3. So Felicity thought there was something weird about the entrance angle of the arrows that killed Sara, but she hasn't mentioned this before now? Also, Felicity is not a trained medical examiner! Leaving that stuff up to her is pretty questionable. Also, also, Roy is going to turn himself in but Detective Captain Lance doesn't know Sara is dead yet! SOMEONE *cough*LAUREL*cough* ought to tell him before he finds out in the worst possible way (which I'm sure he is going to, anyway).

4. Diggle being willing to cut Roy loose for killing Sara? What? Like, I get loyalty etc. and whatever, but shouldn't you be more concerned if Roy is suddenly experiencing weird mirakuru-related rage blackouts AFTER the cure was administered?

4a. Especially considering how flimsy the 'evidence' was. Oh Roy's having dreams of killing Sara! He must have done it! Say what? I get that they are not very good at being detectives, but come on.

5. How anvilicious were the parallels between Ted-Isaac/Oliver-Roy? I don't think Oliver has been a particularly good mentor to Roy - I think a lot of why he took him in was guilt and then he couldn't cut him loose because of the mirakuru and then he knew everything etc., and I think Roy has been kind of superfluous on the show and Haynes did not rise to the occasion in this episode, acting-wise, though admittedly, the writing was also pretty weak. (On the other hand, Oliver committing to his relationship with Roy made me laugh because comics!Ollie is SUCH A BAD MENTOR to comics!Roy. SO BAD.)

On the plus side, I love how much Tatsu hates Oliver. Show, please do better by her than you did by Shado. I also liked how Ted mostly held his own with Oliver in the fight scene, but that he has a different style of fighting. Also, also, ARSENAL. And he didn't even have to lose an arm or a kid. Though adding Cheshire to this show might be a good thing. (or an Artemis along the lines of animated!YJ Artemis, whom I loved. Especially since Thea is Speedy.)

So yeah, that was kind of a bad episode. Also, they've released pictures of Laurel as Black Canary. I...don't love the garter/straps but at least there are no pouches? I mean, I'm glad they ditched the cleavage, and as much I can appreciate Canary's iconic costume, there's kind of no way to make it workable in a live action setting, so I guess head to toe leather with extra straps is a direction. I do like that she's wearing low-heeled boots.


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